Take part in events for entrepreneurs

Inspire, enable, connect

That's our mantra - and our events play a large role in how we live by this. We organize workshops, information sessions, seminars, pitching competitions and networking events for both aspiring and current entrepreneurs, often with partners at ETH or in industry. Exactly what we organise you can find here, in our event calendar.

Some of our events are open for everyone, and others only for our community of recognised spin-offs and Pioneer Fellows. To find out what applies to the event you're interested in, simply check the respective event page.

Do you have questions or suggestions, or perhaps even want to organize something together? Then  would love to hear from you!

Event Calendar

Other events at ETH

Several other parts of our ecosystem regularly organise events relevant for prospective founders. Here you find some examples we highly recommend you check out.

ETH AI Center

The ETH AI Center runs the AI+X Series, exploring the impact of AI on various fields of society in an interdisciplinary approach and identifying areas for collaboration between academia, startups, and industry.


ETH for Development trains engineers and natural scientists to develop, implement and scale world-?changing innovations with a global perspective. They have iniatiatives in social entrepreneurship, and regularly host events.

ETH Global

The Office of the President promotes ETH Zurich's global presence. Their Global Lecture Series and competitions like CYBATHLON are very inspiring for prospective entrepreneurs.

ETH Entrepreneur Club

ETH Entrepreneur Club hosts a large number of external page events for students, startups and externals wanting to connect with our ecosystem. InCube, speed datings and investor sessions are just a few of the things they offer.


Student Project House have a bunch of events and workshops specifically aimed at students in the process of commercialising their work. The full list you find here.

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