Lars Lünenburger

Dr. Lars Lünenburger

ETH transfer IP und Lizenzen
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Dr.  Lars Lünenburger

Role at ETH transfer

  • Technology and licensing manager HEST (IfB/IRIS), MAVT

Office days

Mo-Fr, full-time

Work experience

Lars studied mathematics and physics at the University of Siegen, DE, and at ETH Zürich and graduated in theoretical physics at ETH (Dipl.-Phys. ETH). He received his doctoral degree with honors from the Faculty of Biology of Ruhr-University Bochum, DE, for a thesis on coordination of eye and arm movements.

From 2002 to 2006, Lars worked as postdoc, later as Deputy Head of Research, in the Spinal Cord Injury research department at Balgrist University Hospital, mainly on development and evaluation of rehabilitation robotics. From 2006 to 2022, he worked at Hocoma AG, Volketswil, CH, a Swiss medical device manufacturer of rehabilitation robots, in different roles ranging from software engineering to R&D, innovation and intellectual property management.

Lars joined ETH transfer in June 2022 as a Technology and Licensing Manager.

Outside of ETH, Lars is also an expert for external page innosuisse.


Lars Lünenburger auf external page LinkedIn

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