New wayfinding system at ETH campus Hönggerberg

Besides 10,000 employees and students, the H?nggerberg campus also attracts thousands of visitors every year. As of December, there will be new addresses for easier orientation.

David Müller, Head of the Office for Events & Location Development, informs about the new wayfinding system. (Picture: Thomas Langholz/ETH Zürich)

HIT, HIK or HIB? ETH students and employees know what these abbreviations stand for, but to visitors they are just cryptic codes. As of December, this problem will be history. The building codes will remain, but new blue-and-yellow orientation signs will offer clear and simple orientation on the campus. On Monday, the Office for Events and Location Development held an information event on the H?nggerberg explaining the new system.

Names of ETH personalities

Streets, paths and squares will be renamed and there will be a new system for deliveries. About 90 signs across the campus help visitors and suppliers get to their destination. The two main orientation signs feature maps and the street signs show portraits of the ETH teaching and research personalities whom they are named after. These signs will be located near the departments and research areas that the depicted personalities worked for, thus contributing to better orientation. In front of each building, there will be a sign showing the street name and number, the building code and the facilities in the building.

New addresses

What will the changes mean for employees? The IT Services will change the addresses in the ETH database for all employees working on the H?nggerberg by the beginning of December. What employees and research areas will have to take care of will be changing the addresses on things such as personal documents, business cards, e-mail signatures and advertising materials. To ensure that existing brochures or flyers can be used up, there is a transition period until December 2014. This time should also be used to ensure the address changes are made known to external parties such as suppliers and for things such as newspaper subscriptions. The differences between the old and the new addresses are illustrated in this overview (link to document). The name “365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 Science City” will no longer apply in the future. The new name of the campus is “ETH Zürich, H?nggerberg”.

New system for deliveries

For deliveries made directly by vehicle, there is a new orientation system. Suppliers will no longer deliver to addresses such as “Otto-Stern-Weg 1” but will follow signs such as “Anlieferung 51” (“Delivery point 51”). This numbering will help suppliers find their destination on the campus. It is important that recipients inform suppliers about the number of their delivery point. Deliveries via the underground garages on the H?nggerberg will follow the new wayfinding system as well (link to document).

365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 H?nggerberg, part of the city

The new wayfinding system follows three simple criteria: easy to understand, adaptable and applicable across the whole campus. It corresponds to the corporate design of ETH Zurich and is also compatible with the wayfinding system of the City of Zurich. In this way, ETH Zurich shows that the H?nggerberg campus is an integral part of the city.

Future projects

The new wayfinding system applies to the outside areas of the campus. The signs within the buildings and in the underground garage will remain as before. Future projects will address the main entrance on the H?nggerberg and the wayfinding system on the Zentrum campus.

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