The Cybathlon leads the way in the anniversary year

The Academic Sports Association is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. A talk on the subject of sport & robotics on 1 April will mark the start to the anniversary events.

Enlarged view: 1st rowing regatta Uni-POLY 1945
From the first years of the ASVZ: In 1945 the annual UNI-POLY rowing regatta took place for the first time. (Photo: ASVZ_Archive)

The Academic Sports Association of Zurich (ASVZ) will be 75 this year. It is celebrating its anniversary in various events and offerings for all members of the university and alumni.

The Sport & ... series of talks with figures from the world of literature, business, politics, technology and other exciting scientific areas will start already on 1 April. The first talk will be given by Robert Riener and Anna Pagel, professor and postdoc at the ETH Laboratory for Sensory-Motor Systems. Their subject will be sport & robotics.

Riener and Pagel offer insight into what prospects open up for people with disabilities when man and robot cooperate closely. They will introduce Cybathlon, a competition in which people with disabilities go head to head and complete courses using robotic assistance systems.

Enlarged view: Cybathlon LegProstethicsRace
Findings in robotics can also support sportsmen and people with disabilities. (Photo: D’Arc. Studio Associates Architects/

The talk will be held in ETH Zurich's faculty restaurant (main building, floor J) and will start at 6.00 p.m. The ASVZ will then welcome the speakers and audience to an aperitif. Please register by 27 March 2014 at the latest.

The event is free of charge and open to the public. Overall, the events will be held on three Tuesday evenings in the spring and autumn semesters from 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.

ETH and university compete for training room

A highlight will be the "university challenge" in May. The ETH President and University Rector have made a bet on which of the two Zurich universities is more sporty. From 4 to 10 May, all university members and alumni will be allowed to access the ASVZ sports facilities and attend the activities provided by the ASVZ experts, even if they are not eligible to do so strictly speaking. The college with the higher total "time of exercise" will win the bet. The loser will pay for the new and third training room at the Fluntern sports centre.

Enlarged view: The ETH President and University Rector have made a bet
ETH President Ralph Eichler and University Rector Michael Hengartner have made a bet on which university is more sporty. (Photo: ASVZ_Kurt_D?twyler)

Football and Swiss wrestling on the Polyterrasse

In June, during the football world cup in Brazil, the ASVZ will be hosting the Sports Café in the BQM on the Polyterrasse: football matches will be shown on a large-format screen.

From 24 to 26 September, the ASVZ is bringing a traditional Swiss sport to ETH: at the schwinget@Polyterrasse, ETH members can experience donning the Swiss wrestling trousers and climbing into the sawdust. The highlights of the session organised together with the Zurich Cantonal Swiss Wrestling Association are the Studi-Schwinget and the appearance of four top wrestlers, also known as "B?se" ("evil ones") in the lingo.

75 years of ASVZ

On 23 June 1939 the Academic Sports Association of Zurich (ASVZ) was established following the merger of the Academic Sports Committee, which was responsible for sporting activities, with the slightly younger Sports Grounds Committee. Although the declared objective of lobbying for the construction of a university-owned sports ground by joining forces was not achieved until 1974, the ASVZ has continuously expanded the so-called "student gymnastics" of the initial years to the prestigious university sports over the past 75 years.

The ASVZ is releasing the key information on the anniversary online at external page

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