“We’re turning two neighbours into an exhibition”

Karin Sander, ETH Zurich Professor of Architecture and Art, and Philip Ursprung, ETH Zurich Professor of the History of Art and Architecture, are curating the Swiss pavilion at this year’s Venice Biennale. Their exhibition is called “Neighbours” and it explores the Swiss pavilion’s architectural relationship with the Venezuelan pavilion next door.

The two ETH professors Philip Ursprung and Karin Sander sit on the seats in the Swiss pavilion.
Karin Sander and Philip Ursprung in the Swiss Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura in Venice. (Photograph: Samuele Cherubini)

ETH News: What is the idea behind “Neighbours”?
Karin Sander: I realised that as well as being neighbours, the Swiss and Venezuelan pavilions also constitute an ensemble. Bruno Giacometti, the architect who designed the Swiss pavilion, completed his project first. A few years later, Carlo Scarpa, the architect for the Venezuelan pavilion, made his design a response to it. Our exhibition focuses on the relationship between these next-door neighbours.

Philip Ursprung: We wanted to do an exhibition that didn’t bring materials and exhibits from who knows where to Venice, but instead highlighted what was already there. The pavilions are not simply a passive, neutral setting. We turn the focus on them, on their mentality, history, and future potential.

What exactly does that look like?
Ursprung: The Swiss and Venezuelan pavilions are separated by a wall. We haven’t exactly torn this wall down, but we have at least opened it up.

Sander: A crucial part of our entry was the discovery of a wall on the Venezuelan side that was added later – it doesn’t actually belong there, and it disrupts the continuity of the two outdoor areas. We restore this continuity by opening up the Swiss wall running along the adjoining side and liberating the Venezuelan wall to stand like a sculpture.

What does that mean for visitors?
Sander: Visitors can move freely between the two pavilions. We’ve also turned the bricks we gained from opening up the wall into little walls for people to sit on. And in the painting gallery, we’ve installed a large carpet, which people are welcome to walk on, showing the design drawings for both pavilions as a way to emphasise their architectural relationship.

How can people tell that the two buildings reference one another?
Ursprung: Here’s just one example: Before the Venezuelan pavilion was built, you could see the sea from the Swiss pavilion courtyard. The wall surrounding the Venezuelan pavilion courtyard would have blocked this view. But Scarpa intended for the wall to have a little window in it so that people could still see the Lagoon. Clearly, the two architects wanted their creations to interact.

Did Giacometti and Scarpa know each other?
Ursprung: Oh yes. Giacometti even said once that he had only two architect friends and Scarpa was one of them.

What connects the two pavilions apart from the fact that they are next to one another?
Sander: The two buildings have almost a symbiotic relationship. Their two gardens are connected, and the Venezuelan wall extends some way in front of the Swiss pavilion’s own wall. Scarpa continued the roof line of the Swiss arcade through into his pavilion. There are many more details like these.

Ursprung: But despite these references, Scarpa’s design also features numerous contrasts and tensions. On a purely visual level, the two buildings are very different: the Swiss pavilion is made of brick, the Venezuelan pavilion out of exposed concrete. The Swiss has a more horizontal design, while the Venezuelan is more vertical.

Group photo in the pavilion.
Pro Helvetia Director Bischof, Philip Ursprung, Karin Sander, Federal Councillor Berset, ETH President Mesot, Pro Helvetia President Beer, Ambassador Schmutz Kirg?z and Jér?me Benoit and Katharina Brandl from Pro Helvetia (from left to right). (Photograph: Samuele Cherubini)

What experience are you trying to give visitors?
Ursprung: We want to offer them a new perspective and encourage them to question the rivalry between the different national pavilions at the Biennale, because that’s really an anachronism.

Sander: All the pavilions are basically neighbours, but these two share a very special connection. We want to place the connections above the divisions. The national pavilions are places of international interaction. People from all over the world come together here and, for a moment, put aside their political and cultural differences.

Is it one of the roles of art and architecture to question national borders and notional boundaries?
Sander: Architecture always has a political dimension.

Ursprung: The exhibition isn’t intended to be a public relations exercise. We see it as a means for us to question and revise entrenched ideas and attitudes.

Venezuela is an authoritarian state. To what extent did the political situation there affect your work?
Sander: For political reasons, putting on a joint exhibition clearly wasn’t an option. It’s also important to note that the Venezuelan pavilion hasn’t staged an exhibition in a long time. In recent years, the building has served as a storage space for Switzerland and Russia. Of course, we informed the Venezuelan authorities that we were going to remove the wall on the Swiss side. We’re still waiting for an official response.

Ursprung: We don’t know for sure, but it appears that after hearing about our project, the Venezuelan authorities want to start taking part in the Biennale again.

From a political perspective, there’s also the question of whether opening up the wall to the Venezuelan pavilion is the wrong signal to send.
Ursprung: We went to Venezuela to see for ourselves what’s going on. The situation there is devastating. Artists and other creatives are walled in and isolated. We’re opening up this wall not to the regime but to artists, architects and researchers. We give these individuals a voice both in our book and as part of various podium discussions.

Sander: We also see the exhibition as an invitation, an example of how art can kick-start a dialogue. In this case, there might just be more leeway in art than in politics.

Switzerland at the Biennale Architettura in Venice

The Biennale Architettura takes place in odd years and the Biennale Arte in even years. Switzerland has its own pavilion in the Giardini pubblici, the Biennale park in Venice. external page Pro Helvetia, the Swiss arts council, has run the Swiss pavilion since 2012.

external page Supporting Programme

external page Podcast Giardini Days: Play for Two Pavilions

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