Scientific misconduct

Do you suspect scientific misconduct?

Reports can be submitted via the following link:

external page

All reports will be treated confidentially. To ensure that your report is secure and protected, you will be redirected to an external website.  

Scientific misconduct occurs when in a scientifically relevant context, the work results and findings of a third party are intentionally or negligently passed off as one’s own, false statements are made and forgery is committed, the intellectual property of others is infringed, or their research work is otherwise unfairly compromised. It can also exist in the event of omission, instigation or aiding and abetting.

Note: (Interpersonal) Conflicts, scientific errors and the use of procedures and methods that are controversial in the scientific community are not forms of scientific misconduct.

Forms of scientific misconduct:

  • Fabrication
  • Falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Incorrect publication list
  • Improper handling of data

Misconduct can also be found regarding:

  • Authorship
  • Collaboration
  • Expert reports and peer reviews
  • Investigation procedures



Proceedings in cases of suspected scientific misconduct are conducted by the Integrity Commission.

Permanent members of the Integrity Commission are:

PD Dr. Mark Schweizer (Federal Patent Court St. Gallen)
Prof. Dr. Dominique Soldati-Favre (University of Geneva)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hierlemann (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Dr. James Kirchner (ETH Zurich)
Prof. Dr. Monika Kurath (University of St. Gallen)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Mahlmann (University of Zurich)


  • Ongoing proceedings: 4
  • Completed proceedings since 2015: 4
  • Types of misconduct: Data manipulation, plagiarism, authorship



Integrity Office
Dr. Raffael Iturrizaga

Weinbergstrasse 11
WEC E 17
8092 Zürich

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