Recognition of ETH study achievements at Bachelor level

Students who re-enter or change to a different degree programme may submit a request for recognition of ETH study achievements.


Before submitting a request for recognition of ETH study achievements, please consider the following points:

  • There is no general entitlement to recognition.
  • A maximum of 120 ECTS credits may be recognised, as long as they were acquired at ETH Zurich. This maximum does not apply to re-entries to the same Bachelor’s degree programme as previously attended.
  • If more than 6 years have passed between a performance assessment and the request for its recognition, the student may be required to re-sit examinations, including entire examination blocks, even if these were previously passed.

Neither the deadlines for undertaking performance assessments nor the maximum duration of studies are extended if a request is submitted.

Unless the Registrar’s Office issues a written decision stating otherwise, you must register for and sit examinations by the set deadlines.

  • Waiving of a performance assessment always applies to all components of the performance assessment. Partial waivers (e.g. of a semester course belonging to a year course) are not permitted.
  • Examinations which formed part of the first-year examinations can only be recognised if they received pass grades, unless special blanket recognition rules in the programme regulations of individual degree programmes state otherwise.
  • Individual performance assessments which formed part of failed first-year examina?tions are not recognised, even those which received pass grades.
  • The following points apply to split first-year examinations from the pilot project of the same name:

    1. An individual examination in one block of passed first-year examinations may only be recognised if it received an individual pass grade. It is immaterial whether the other block of first-year examinations was passed, failed or not taken.

    2. Examinations from failed first-year examination blocks are not recognised. Whether a single examination belonging to this block received a pass grade is immaterial.

    3. If a change of degree programme was between Mathematics and Physics, passed first-year examinations are fully recognised. Further details are set out in both sets of programme regulations.
  • Examinations from failed examination blocks in the 2nd and 3rd years of Bachelor’s degree studies may be recognised if they received pass grades.
    If an examination block was undertaken twice (repetition), only the grades from the second attempt are ever considered for recognition (if this occurs).
  • Previously acquired credits which do not belong to either the first-year examinations or to a completed examination block may be recognised.
  • If recognition of credits leads to waiving of performance assessments which form part of the first-year examinations or examination blocks of the target degree programme, the average grade achieved in the latter examination sets will be calculated without taking into account the grades associated with the previous credits.

Credits earned in the area of “Science in Perspective” may usually be recognised.

See the directives:

Send your request for recognition of ETH study achievements to the Registrar’s Office () as soon as all of your results have been decreed.

Please attach a document comparing the ETH study achievements you would like to have waived with the corresponding study achievements in the new ETH degree programme, in Download tabel form (PDF, 1.8 MB)

The Registrar’s Office will ascertain that your submitted documents are complete and send them on to the Director of Studies of the respective degree programme. The latter will decide which study achievements can be recognised or waived.

Please note that it may take from several weeks to an entire semester to process your request. This applies to requests made in the Autumn Semester in particular.

You will receive a written communication as soon as your request has been decided.

For the Recognition of study achievements a fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged.
You will receive the invoice in the 5th week of the semester or later.


Registrar's Office

ETH Zurich
Academic Services
R?mistrasse 101
HG F 19
8092 Zurich

Telephone hours

Mon - Fri 9 am - 11 am

Desk opening hours

Mon + Thu 11 am - 1 pm

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