Master Earth Sciences

The Master's degree programme in Earth Sciences focuses on the Earth system with respect to its history, current relevance and future development. Research in Earth Sciences facilitates the development of warning systems for natural hazards and fosters the development of alternative energies.

As most human activities have interactions with the Earth, understanding its structure, atmosphere, oceans, and its place in the solar system is of upmost importance. The Master's study programme in Earth Sciences offers the ideal platform, thanks to a broad, modular education with a strong focus on practical training.

After successful completion of studies, graduates in Earth Sciences have a wide choice of professional fields. They range from the climate and environmental sectors, risk management, construction and engineering, sustainable resource exploration to research.


  • Geology
  • Engineering Geology
  • Mineralogy and Geochemistry
  • Geophysics

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

120 ECTS | 2 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Erdwissenschaften

Qualifying disciplines

University Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences

Requirement profile

Download MSc Earth Sciences (PDF, 195 KB)


Karin Mellini

ETH Zurich
Department of Earth Sciences
Sonneggstrasse 5
NO D 55
8092 Zurich

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