

Will Anders’ latest observations on CTETH: Online now!

Part 11:
The Old Testament fuels progress and thus decline. Amen.


The cartoons commissioned for the critical thinking reader "42" are now published online: Link


Critical Thinking Market

On Monday, 18 Novmeber 2019, project leaders presented projects that have been supported by Critical Thinking.

Changes at Critical Thinking ETH
in autumn 2019

Dear Gerd Folkers: Thank you very much and goodbye!

In spring 2019, the Executive Board decided to transfer Critical Thinking ETH from the initiative phase to a permanent form and to integrate it into the rector's staff. In connection with this, a delegate of the Executive Board for Critical Thinking will also be appointed. Gerd Folkers saw this as the right moment to definitely hand over responsibility for Critical Thinking.

On an interim basis, Dr. Hansjürg Büchi will take over the management of the Critical Thinking ETH until the final filling of the delegate function. Hansjürg Büchi has accompanied the development of Critical Thinking ETH since 2016 as Senior Scientist. In the interim phase, Critical Thinking ETH will continue in its proven form with the publication of "42", the promotion of innovative project ideas, the organisation of seminars on university issues and a second edition of the Critical Thinking Market to present the funded projects. We look forward to further development!

Further Information: Link


The cartoons commissioned for the critical thinking reader "42" are now published online: Link


University Education – where to?
CTETH-Lecture and Seminar with
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter

Event report by Hansju?rg Bu?chi:
Download Link (PDF, 563 KB)
(German only)

In the summer of 2018, the fourth Swiss Federal Education Report was published, which examines the national education landscape in a comprehensive analysis. A double event as part of the CTETH seminar series offered the opportunity to discuss with the author of the report, Professor Stefan Wolter from the Swiss Coordination Office for Educational Research in Aarau, the question of what important insights the ETH Zurich can draw from this comprehensive educational analysis.


CTETH informs regularely about lectures, events and projects.

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?'Deep drilling' requires 'surfing'? by Laura Folkers, MSc Chemistry (ETH), PhD Student Inorganic Chemistry Lunds University, Schweden;  and Gerd Folkers, Prof. em. ETH Zürich, Leader Critical Thinking was publish in the most recent issue of
Infozine S-2: Link | Further Informationen

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