Classroom interaction technology

Photo: Marinka Valkering, ETH Zurich: The EduApp in action

Use classroom interaction technology to make lectures interactive

?Lectures are common fold in higher education, but their effectiveness is not without discussion. Some reasons for this are the unidirectional flow of information, the lack of students’ engagement, and the lack of interaction with and between students. One method to stimulate and utilize the bi-directional flow of feedback in lectures is through the use of audience response systems (ARSs), often referred to as (physical) ‘clickers’. In short, these allow a lecturer to gauge students’ understanding and misconceptions of the topics discussed, facilitating contingent feedback. There is increasing support for the claim that such methods can enhance interaction, engagement and performance.?
Bart Huisman MSc (Universit?t Leiden, Niederlande, 2016): ?Download Formative feedback and interaction in larger lectures through web-based voting?

EduApp, the ETH teaching app

The main aim of the EduApp is to improve interaction between students and instructors in the auditorium. It also enhances everyday academic life. Faculty may use the EduApp to pose (clicker) questions in their lectures and to solicit feedback from students. Learn more about the EduApp

Dr Ghislain Fourny (D-INFK): “I have been using the EduApp in all of my lectures since 2016 and am very enthusiastic about it. It makes possible rich interaction with students and supplies me with constant feedback.”

Prof. Dr Christoph Heinrich (D-ERDW): “In Autumn Semester 2017 I deployed clicker questions regularly in in my large Geology lecture for first-year students in D-BAUG. This was a great success, not least because it helped people to loosen up, and I spontaneously received a lot of positive feedback.”

Dr Markus Kalisch (D-MATH): “With the EduApp I get immediate feedback from students, even if the lecture has several hundred participants.”

Dr. Meike Akveld (D-MATH): “With the EduApp I get direct feedback on whether students have understood what I taught. I always ask one of the students to explain the correct answer, which is generally very helpful. For them it is also a welcome change.”

With feedback from you, the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL) continues to develop the EduApp. Please send us your ideas and tell us about your experiences via


Marinka Valkering-Sijsling

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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