Can you Change the World with One Million Dollars: Hult Prize at ETH Zurich

A start-up accelerator for young social entrepreneurs: Student teams compete around the world for a chance to secure US$ 1 million in prize funding. This year, the quarter finals for Hult Prize, for the first time, is being held at ETH Zurich.

Hult Prize Banner

The Hult Prize Foundation is a start-up accelerator for budding young social entrepreneurs emerging from the world’s universities. Named as one of the top five ideas changing the world by President Bill Clinton, the annual competition for the the Hult Prize aims to identify and launch the most compelling social business ideas—start-up enterprises that tackle grave issues faced by billions of people. Winners receive USD 1 million in seed capital.

This year, the quarter-final event (on 10th Dec'14) for this competition will be held at ETH Zurich for the first time. The winning student team of the event will represent ETH Zurich at the regional finals of the competition to be held in London next year.

UG/PG/PhD students at ETH Zurich are invited to participate in teams of 3-5 to solve the 2015 President's Challenge: The 2014-15 Hult Prize will focus on "Early Childhood Education" – a challenge personally selected by President Bill Clinton.

The Hult Prize is a partnership between Hult International Business School and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Termed as 'Nobel Prize for Students' by Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus, this crowd-sourcing platform identifies and launches disruptive and catalytic social ventures that aim to solve the planet’s most pressing challenges.

To participate in the quarter finals, participating teams just have to present their idea(s) and need not necessarily have an action or business plan to go along.

For more details and registration, please visit: external page Hult Prize at ETH Zurich

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