ETH Global Lecture Series: Unusual Partnerships for Planetary Action

22 April 2021 - Online Event - On occasion of Earth Day 2021, Aron Cramer, CEO of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), and Nina Buchman, Professor at ETH Zurich, discuss the state of our planet and the actions we need to take in order to restore it.

Planet Earth
Image: pixabay

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The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 acknowledges the need for unusual partnerships to achieve the other sixteen goals. These seventeen goals were agreed in 2015 to be achieved by 2030. They recognised the deep and ever-increasing interdependence of all of us upon our incredible planet. Earth Day, 22 April, was established in 1970 so that we would pause to consider the state of the planet which provides the systems upon which every living creature depends. It seems appropriate to bring two very passionate individuals who are both working to help us not only understand the actions we need to take, but to also help to implement those actions.

So where are things today? What is science telling us? What are businesses doing? How can we accelerate action to safeguard our planet for future generations? What do we need to understand in order to make better decisions? Where are we going? Where should we be going? What are the unusual partnerships for the future? What three things should each citizen of the world know? And do?

Please join Chris Luebkeman in an online conversation with Aron Cramer, CEO of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), and Professor Nina Buchmann of the ETH Zurich as we delve into these and other timely questions.

Free public online event
Moderated by Chris Luebkeman, ETH Zurich

Thursday, 22 April 2021
17.30 - 18.30 Zurich (CEST)

Aron Cramer
Copyright: World Economic Forum/ by Sebastian Derungs

external page Aron Cramer is recognised globally as a preeminent authority on sustainable business. Aron joined Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) in 1995 as the founding director of its Business and Human Rights Program, and later opened BSR's Paris office in 2002, where he worked until becoming President and CEO in 2004. Aron serves on advisory boards to CEOs at Barrick Gold, Marks & Spencer, and SAP, and previously for AXA, Shell, and Nike. He is also a director of the Natural Capital Coalition, the International Integrated Reporting Council, and We Mean Business, and serves as a member of the Steering Council for the World Economic Forum’s Board of Stewards of its Future of Consumption System Initiative.

Aron speaks frequently at leading business forums and is widely quoted in top-tier media such as the Financial Times, Le Figaro (France), The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He is co-author of the book Sustainable Excellence: The Future of Business in a Fast-Changing World, which spotlights innovative sustainability strategies that enable business success.

Nina Buchmann

Nina Buchmann is a globally known for her work on ecosystem physiology and biosphere-atmosphere greenhouse gas exchange. With her team, she studies the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to changes in climate and management, including the provision of ecosystem services and sustainable resource use.
Nina joined ETH as Professor of Grassland Sciences in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in 2003. Later she served as Vice-Head and since 2017 as Head of the newly founded Department of Environmental Systems Science. Nina has been member of many Strategic Committees and Scientific Advisory Boards, including the German Advisory Council on Global Change, the International Council for Science, the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, as well as the Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2011, she became Founding Chair of the ETH World Food System Center.
Nina published more than 300 original journal papers and 33 books and book chapters. She was founding member of the Young Academy of Sciences in Germany and is member of the German National Academy of Sciences. In 2018, she was recognised as Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, and in 2018 and 2019 as Highly Cited Researcher.

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