National Climate Day: The Fate of Forests

27 May 2021: Online event - On the occasion of the first Swiss National Climate Day, our RETHINKING LIVING series looks at how the latest research helps protect and restore forests and how we can play a role in their fate.

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Chris Luebkeman, Tom Crowther, Rachael Garrett talking about the Fate of Forests

The Fate of Forests

ETH Zurich invites you to join a RETHINKING LIVING production to delve into one of the key components in the climate debate: the forests. Havens of biodiversity and critical to our wellbeing, they are key for climate stability. Within the last 20 years, however, we have lost forest areas the size of Europe. How can we protect, save and even restore the forests? Our choices contribute to their destiny and our own. Meet the experts who merge scientific insights with big data to reduce the loss of forest ecosystems and support responsible global forest restoration. The experts also answer questions from students of the Kantonsschule Enge and show them their research on-site.

Panel Discussion: The Fate of Forests

Thursday, 27 May 2021, will be online as of 10:00 a.m. 
You can watch it on this website: ethz/climate-day, as well as on the external page ETH YouTube channel or on the National Climate Day's external page website (with German simultaneous translation).

with (see portraits of guests below)
Tom Crowther, Professor of Global of Ecosystem Ecology, ETH Zurich
Rachael Garrett, Professor of Environmental Policy, ETH Zurich
external page Clara Rowe, CEO external page Restor

moderated by Chris Luebkeman

Original in English with German translation.

small tree
Image: Mathew Smith, unsplash
Tom Crowther_National Climate Day 2021
Foto: ETH Zürich / Tom Crowther

Tom Crowther
Tom Crowther is a scientist specialising in global ecosystem ecology and tenure-track professor at ETH Zürich, where he formed the Crowther Lab. His work aims to generate a holistic understanding of global ecological systems in order to inform and address the global crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. Crowther sits on the steering committee of the Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative and the scientific advisory board of (the trillion trees platform launched by the World Economic Forum) among advising other initiatives in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

The fundamental research in the Crowther Lab is intended to guide environmental decision making. Most terrestrial carbon is stored below ground in the soil, and above ground in forest trees. As such, they study interactions between the different components within these ecosystems to better inform our understanding of current and future changes in terrestrial carbon storage. This can directly inform international conservation and restoration efforts by identifying the most important regions to focus in order to have the most effective impacts on climate change and global biodiversity loss.

Rachael Garrett National Climate Day 2021
Foto: Rachael Garrett, ETH Zürich

Rachael Garrett

Rachael Garrett is Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy with dual appointments in the Dept. of Humanities, Social and Political Science and the Dept. of Environmental Systems Science. She is the Chair of Environmental Policy at ETH Zurich and a member of the Institute for Environmental Decisions and Institute of Science, Technology, and Policy.

Her research examines interactions between land use, ecosystem services, and economic development at multiple spatial and temporal scales to better understand the drivers and impacts of land change and the effectiveness of existing conservation and agricultural policies. She is particularly interested in how commodity supply chains interact with environmental institutions to shape land use processes, resource distribution, and trade.

Clara Rowe National Climate Day 2021
Foto: LinkedIn

Clara Rowe

Clara Rowe, CEO of Restor, is a sustainability leader based in Zurich, Switzerland. With over 10 years of international experience in natural resource management, development, and sustainable commodity supply chains, Clara brings specific expertise in bridging the gap between global solutions and on-the-ground challenges to ensure strategic impact.

Restor is a new open data platform rooted in science that enables everyone, everywhere to engage in the restoration movement. It was founded by the Crowther Lab, a global ecological research group at ETH Zürich, and co-developed with Google.

Clara is a graduate of the Yale School of the Environment, where some of the very early musings for Restor began. She rejoins forces with Tom Crowther of ETH Zurich to grow Restor into the home for the global restoration movement. 

National Climate Day

Inspired by the global movements seen in recent years, the first Swiss National Climate Day will take place on 27 May 2021.

Climate Day ETH
Aaron Katz forest
Image: Aaron Katz, unsplash

Live from Bern

Live from the Federal Square in Bern, experts will debate and present solutions to combat climate change. The programme is in German and French.

Nationaler Klimatag external page Programm 

10.45 Mission Ern?hrung- der Mensch ist, was er isst:
Martijn Sonnevelt, Executive Director, World Food System Center, ETH Zürich

13:00 Klimafakten - Wissen gegen den Klimawandel:
Reto Knutti, Professor für Klimaforschung, ETH Zürich

14:00 Mission Wohnen - Nachhaltig bauen, wohnen und leben: Gnanli Landrou,co-Gründer Oxara, Sara Sherif, Studentin, ETH Zürich, Jeanne Casagrande, Studentin ETH Zürich und Marie Glaser, Leiterin ETH Wohnforum

external page Nationaler Klimatag  

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