Prof. David Basin named IEEE Fellow

Professor David Basin (D-INFK) has been named an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to formal methods for information security. The prestigious grade of IEEE Fellow is conferred upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.

Each year, the IEEE Fellow Committee nominates a select group of recipients to become IEEE Fellows. At its November 2020 meeting, the IEEE Board of Directors elevated Professor David Basin to IEEE Fellow. This distinction recognises his extensive research accomplishments in formal methods for information security. The IEEE Fellow honouring garners great respect in the technical community and is considered an important career achievement.

Professor Basin developed, with his collaborators, several state-of-the-art model-checking tools for security protocols: OFMC, AVISPA and the Tamarin Model Checking Tools. The most recent tool, Tamarin, is based on an advanced, symbolic constraint solver. It has an active, world-wide user community and been used to find bugs in critical protocols such as the ISO/IEC 9798 entity authentication protocol, group key agreement protocols, and in the development of recent standards such the Signal Protocol, TLS Version 1.3, and the current 5G standardization.

In another research direction, Basin developed the notion of “model-driven security'” and built tools for constructing and validating security-critical systems in a model-centric way. Designers specify system models along with their security requirements and tools automatically generate systems from the models, including complete, configured security infrastructures. This work spawned a new research area on foundations, methods, and tools for the model-driven development of security-critical applications. 

About Prof. David Basin

Prof. David Basin is Head of the Department of Computer Science, and a professor at the Institute of Information Security, where he leads the Information Security Group. His research focuses on information security, in particular on foundations, methods, and tools for modeling, building, and validating secure and reliable systems. He is a fellow of the ACM and editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security and Springer-Verlag’s book series on Information Security and Cryptography. He is also the founding director of ZISC, the Zurich Information Security Center, which he led from 2003-2011.

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