Tim Tröndle receives KlarText Prize for science communication

Tim Tr?ndle, a researcher in the Climate Policy Group at ETH Zurich, is one of the winners of the KlarText Prize for Science Communication 2022. In total, the Klaus Tschira Foundation awarded six young researchers. Another prize was awarded for the best infographic. Congratulations!

Tim Tröndle

In his text "Eine Energiewende für alle", Tim Tr?ndle shows how spatial distribution issues of the energy transition can lead to conflicts in Europe. Different interests, such as self-sufficiency and influence on the landscape, contradict each other in their answers to this question. His award-winning text shows ways to mitigate these conflicts and that the energy transition can unite aspects of the different interests.

This year, the Klaus Tschira Foundation Prize was awarded for the 20th time. A total of 215 doctoral candidates submitted their texts, written in German, in the categories of biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, neurosciences and physics. The contributions go through a three-stage jury process and are reviewed by media professionals and researchers. The award ceremony will take place on 13 October 2022, when the award-winning articles and the infographic will also appear in the KlarText magazine. This can be ordered or downloaded from the external page KlarText-Preis website.

About the Klaus Tschira Foundation

With the KlarText Prize, the external page Klaus Tschira Stiftung would like to highlight the special value of science communication for research and society. Especially young researchers in natural sciences and related disciplines should feel encouraged to bring their work to the attention of the public.

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