Insurance and pension

ETH Zurich is subject to the Swiss social security system, which is based on a three-tiered pension scheme and compulsory accident insurance.

In addition to this, ETH Zurich offers its employees benefits which provide a higher level of insurance cover in the event of an accident or illness.

Old-age and survivor's insurance (OASI)

The first tier of the pension scheme – old-age and survivor's insurance – is compulsory for all employees regardless of their citizenship. It is intended to cover basic needs in old age.

Occupational benefit plan

The second tier – occupational pensions – is intended to enable people, in an appropriate manner, to maintain their accustomed standard of living in old age. This is compulsory for employees whose salaries are at or above a specific minimum level and is guaranteed by the occupational pension fund. Employers are obliged to pay at least 50% of the required contributions.

ETH Zurich employees are insured by external page PUBLICA (the Swiss Federal Pension Fund) with a defined contribution plan. Under the contribution plan, benefits are based on the amounts credited through contributions plus any deposits in the account (including interest). At ETH Zurich, the employee pays 36% of the monthly contributions, with the remaining 64% paid by the employer.

Employees also have the option to pay voluntary contributions which entitle them to greater pension and withdrawal benefits.


In their first month of employment, new ETH employees receive a welcome letter from PUBLICA with an orange payment slip for the transfer of vested benefits to PUBLICA. The orange payment slip must be sent to the former pension fund so that the vested benefits can be transferred. 

Private savings plans

The third tier – private savings plans – is optional and is based on private savings.

OASI reference age (formerly retirement age)

In Switzerland, the current legal retirement age is 64 years for women and 65 years for men. As a result of the OASI reform 21 (AHV 21) and after a transitional period, the OASI reference age of 65 years will apply to both men and women in Switzerland, starting from 2028. At ETH early retirement may be taken from the age of 60. For further inofrmation on retirmenent, please refer to:

Pension Fund PUBLICA
Swiss Federal Pension Fund PUBLICA

Accident insurance distinguishes between occupational and non-occupational accidents.

Occupational accident insurance

All employees whose salaries are subject to social insurance contributions must be insured against occupational accidents. This insurance covers medical expenses and daily allowances, provides accident-related disability benefits and supports surviving dependents following the death of the insured person.

Eligible employees at ETH Zurich are insured by the external page Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund SUVA against the consequences of occupational accidents. The insurance premium is paid by ETH Zurich.

Non-occupational accident insurance

Non-occupational accident insurance covers the financial consequences of accidents which did not take place at work. All workers employed in Switzerland are insured against non-occupational accidents on a compulsory basis, provided that they work at least eight hours a week for the same employer.

As the employer, ETH Zurich pays one third of the premium for non-occupational accident insurance, with the employee paying the remaining two thirds.

Employees who work for less than eight hours a week are not insured against non-occupational accidents (except for accidents which take place on the way to and from work). These persons must make sure, at their own expense, that accidents are covered by their compulsory health insurance policy.

In addition to their compulsory accident insurance, ETH Zurich employees can also opt to take out private supplementary insurance from AXA with attractive premiums.

Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund

Health insurance companies

All persons working in Switzerland must take out insurance from a health insurance company within three months, irrespective of their age and state of health. They are free to choose any health insurance company throughout Switzerland.

Two health insurance companies offer ETH employees a discount on additional insurance, see offers and benefits.

Foreign employees in the Canton of Zurich can get an Download exemption from the compulsory health insurance.


Unemployment insurance provides compensation (ALV, continued pay) in the event of unemployment and supports the reintegration of unemployed persons in the job market. Unemployment insurance contributions are compulsory.

Disability insurance (DI) covers the financial consequences of an employee being rendered unable to work due to disability. It aims to integrate respectively reintegrate a disabled person or to secure the payment of pensions if an integration is not possible. Invalidity insurance contributions are compulsory.

Risk insurance covers the risk of death and disability due to illness. All temporary employees and interns at ETH Zurich whose AHV annual salary does not exceed the amount of the basic maximum AHV retirement pension are insured against such risks.

The insurance coverage begins on the employee or intern’s first day of work at ETH Zurich, and no earlier than on the contract commencement date specified in the contract. The coverage ends at midnight on the last day of employment or internship.

Download Information sheet Risk insurance (PDF, 33 KB)

Read more on continued pay here

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