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Registration ETH Climate Round

Climate, biodiversity and energy are crucial factors on our path to a sustainable future. But what role do biodiversity and climate impacts play in energy planning? Where do we build plants to produce electricity from renewable energies in a way that preserves biodiversity and landscapes as much as possible? These and other questions will be discussed at the ETH Climate Round 2024. Register by 28 October. Event language: German.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 3:00 – 7:15 pm, HG

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New issue of "life" magazine

The Cybathlon is taking place from 25 to 27 October. Find out who the people behind this major event are and what motivates them in the latest issue of "life" magazine, among other topics such as lifelong learning.

Resources are precious

Switch off the lights, turn down the heating, or say no to unnecessary packaging. Every contribution makes a difference! Find out more about the Resources are Precious campaign. #NetZero

Day of Caring for Dependants

30 October is National Day of Caring for Dependants in Switzerland. Various events are being held at ETH on this occasion, with a focus on the topic of ‘mental health’.

CYBATHLON: Discount on tickets

The CYBATHLON is just around the corner! Would you also like to support the four ETH teams on site from 25 to 27 October? As an ETH employee, you will receive a discount of CHF 10.– on a maximum of two regular tickets. Simply enter the discount code C24-ANG10 when purchasing your tickets.

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