New space for infants

The renovation of the kihz Foundation crèche at the H?nggerberg campus created space for an extra infant group in early May. A new activity room has also been added.

Enlarged view: The new activity room at kihz Hönggerberg. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Florian Meyer)
Monika Haetinger Walther (right) and Julia Oberle (left) welcome the new developments: children can play with a range of equipment in the new activity room at kihz H?nggerberg. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Florian Meyer)

Brand-new, colourful beds lie in a neat row at floor level, and the windows are low enough for even the youngest children to look outside. The space next door has an inviting new baby corner with bright furnishings and an area for breastfeeding and nappy changing.

Since Monday, 4 May 2015, these rooms at the H?nggerberg campus have provided space for an extra group of infants aged from four to 18 months. The crèche is run by the kihz Foundation, which was established jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich to provide childcare facilities. A total of 55 places are available at kihz H?nggerberg for infants aged from four months until they start kindergarten, divided into five groups (“butterflies”, “crocodiles”, “hedgehogs”, “parrots” and “bears”). 74 families are currently benefiting from this service at H?nggerberg.

kihz has also set up an extra activity space – a converted container that serves as a temporary “gym”, with mats and play equipment [JA1] for the children.

The expansion is part of the Download Gender Action Plan at ETH Zurich and follows a resolution made by the Executive Board last year to:

  • expand kihz H?nggerberg,
  • create the “Hello Kids!” service point for childcare, and
  • pay a contribution to members of ETH to cover the higher childcare costs for infants aged under 18 months, thus bringing parental costs in line with those for children aged over 18 months.

Monika Haetinger Walther, kihz Foundation Manager, and Julia Oberle, Head of kihz H?nggerberg, welcome the new developments: "The expansion of H?nggerberg crèche, funded by ETH Zurich, means we're able to support 11 families", says Haetinger. The crèche is an important facility for younger academic staff members in particular, allowing them to combine family with their career in academia.

The kihz Foundation has seven university childcare centres at the H?nggerberg, Irchel and Zentrum campuses.

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