Launch Event – 6 March, Berne is the new national portal for geodata in teaching and research and is geared towards Swiss Higher Education Institutions.

This service was set up with financial support from the swissuniversities "Scientific Information" programme and is now ready for use after two years of project work. For more information visit our website at external page

We would be delighted to introduce you to the service at a launch event and let you know how universities can access


Monday, 6 March, 14.15 bis 16.15 (followed by drinks) 


University of Bern
Hauptgeb?ude H4, Raum 501 (external page Kuppelraum)
Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Bern

Target group

The event will appeal to members of Swiss Higher Education Institutions who would like to facilitate access to geodata at their university (e.g. geodata managers, persons responsible for licences at libraries, etc.)


  • Welcoming address
  • Opening words from Roland Dietlicher (swissuniversities)
  • Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (ETH Zurich)
  • Presentation of
    • Benefits and functions of the service
    • Conditions of participation
  • Questions and answers
  • Information desks so you can test the service and ask further questions

The event will be held in English and German.

Please register by 28. Februar an: (giving your name, institution and position)
Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested persons.

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