Research Collection: ETH Zurich's new publication platform

The Research Collection, ETH Zurich's new publication platform, contains the university’s research output. It serves as a single point of access for members of ETH Zurich to document, publish and archive their academic results.

The Research Collection is therefore simultaneously:

  • Publication directory
  • Open Access repository
  • Research data repository

The Research Collection replaces the Open Access repository ETH E-Collection and the institutional bibliography ETH E-Citations, and contains all data from the two previous applications.

Here are some of the features that members of ETH Zurich who publish in the Research Collection will benefit from:

  • Automatic import of new publications from Web of Science and Scopus
  • Indexing in Google Scholar
  • Displaying of the journals' copyright guidelines
  • Procurement of citable DOIs
  • Access to usage statistics and Altmetrics
  • Flexible access rights for research data
  • Safeguarding of all data in the ETH Data Archive

An overview of all the functions is provided on the ETH Library website and in the Flyer Research Collection (pdf, 176.98 kB).

We have also condensed the most important advantages into a short video (1:05 min.).

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Users of the AEM publications component

Please note the information provided by Corporate Communications on the AEM release planning.

The Research Collection is an ETH Library service.

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