ETH Library Kaleidoscope 2020

The Kaleidoscope 2020 gives you an insight into the topics that we have been particularly dealing with at the ETH Library during the past year.

The processes of change in science communication and the opportunities offered by digitisation have had an additional positive impact in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, in the context of our Strategy 2020–2024, we dealt very intensively with this topic last year at the ETH Library.

The Download Kaleidoscope 2020 (PDF, 4.7 MB) highlights our innovative range of services and how we provide them. In four focus chapters, you learn more about our library strategy, our digital offers, and newly developed platforms, such as swisscovery, which we successfully launched at the end of 2020. Many photos report on our handling of the pandemic, and in the “2020 in Brief” picture series, you will find a vividly condensed selection of our activities and services.

The ETH Library hopes you enjoy reading this issue and we gladly welcome your praise and criticism.

#KnowMore – The prepared content issued by the ETH Library is at your free disposal and gives you a head start.

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