Project Neptun: Sales window now open

For 20 years, Project Neptun has ensured that ETH members can equip themselves with high-quality but affordable laptops. The autumn sales window opens today and lasts until 4 October.

Laptops on a table
New laptop, anyone? (Image: Project Neptun)

For many of us, it has become a loyal companion over the last 18 months: the laptop. With it, we have access to our e-mails, data and documents even in Corona times - in the home office, in the holiday home, or wherever we have set up our work or study place during this time.

The purchase of a laptop, however, is definitely associated with higher expenses. For 20 years now, the Neptun project has been helping ETH students as well as all other ETH members to acquire high-quality devices at a reasonable price. The devices are sold exclusively online during two windows per year.

The next sales window starts on 6 September at noon and lasts until 4 October 2021. Anyone who wants to secure a highly discounted, high-quality work device such as a laptop, a tablet or other accessories should therefore visit the external page Projekt Neptun website right away.

View devices at the Demo Days and in the showroom

Since the laptops for sale can only be ordered online, the Projekt Neptun team will be on site at ETH Zurich for two days to present the devices. On these external page Demo Days, students and staff will have the opportunity to view all the laptops for sale, ask questions and receive advice.

The Demo Days will take place as follows:

  • ETH Zentrum, Alumni Pavilion: Wednesday, 22.9., 10-14.30 h
  • ETH H?nggerberg, HIL: Tuesday, 28.9., 10-14.30 h

Some models are also on display in the showroom on the H?nggerberg campus.

Anniversary: 20 years of Neptun

The Neptun project was launched 20 years ago as part of ETH World - a strategic initiative of ETH Zurich with the aim of developing technologies for communication and cooperation independent of time and place and introducing them at ETH. An undertaking that Project Neptun has certainly more than succeeded in, as the project was successively opened up to all universities in Switzerland between 2005 and 2007 after its successful establishment at ETH.

In the context of the 20th anniversary, it is particularly worthwhile to visit Project Neptun online: In the anniversary competition, you can win brand-new laptop models and other great prizes.

Project Neptun

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