News from the “Barrier-free” programme

Accessibility remains an important issue for ETH Zurich. A new exhibition charts the progress made so far by the “Barrier-free at ETH Zurich” programme, along with unresolved issues. In addition, the CHN building is being adapted to make it barrier-free, and a new website provides information about how to organise events that are accessible.

Illustration barrier-free at ETH

“What is hindering you?”, “Which ‘design for all’ do you like?” or “Are you familiar with the ETH accessibility statement?”. These and similar questions are those confronting visitors of the newly opened exhibition on the “Barrier-free at ETH Zurich” programme. Videos, photographs, texts and exhibits concerning all aspects of accessibility can be found on a ten-metre-long display wall in the OCT building in Oerlikon. Measures that have already been implemented as well as those that are in the pipeline are presented and feature interactive elements that you can try out. The exhibition can be visited during normal building opening hours (Mon.-Fri., 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m., on the ground floor right next to the entrance) until the end of 2024.

Enlarged view: Exhibition "Barrier-free at ETH Zurich"
Insight into the exhibition "Barrier-free at ETH Zurich". (Picture: ETH Zurich)

The CHN building is becoming barrier-free

The CHN building on Universit?tstrasse on the ETH Zentrum campus is serving as a pilot project that involves the renovation of an existing building to make it barrier-free. Alongside the installation of wheelchair-accessible toilet facilities, the modification of lifts and staircases and the automation of entrance doors, signage, i.e. signposting and guidance, has been rendered accessible. A stair lift has been installed to ensure barrier-free access to lecture hall C14.

Enlarged view: Stair lift
The new stair lift in the CHN building. (Picture: ETH Zurich)

How to make your events barrier-free

“ETH Zurich stands for a culture of openness and inclusion. This is particularly true when we invite people to join us and extend our hospitality. Our events should be accessible and easy for everyone to participate in, whatever their individual limitations. It’s something we all benefit from,” underlines Ueli Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure. A new website from 365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 Services offers information to all ETH members about how to organise accessible events, whether on-site or online. In addition to checklists and tips, contact persons are provided who are happy to provide advice and support with any open questions.

ETH has set itself the goal of becoming more accessible. Play your part in this and make the next event you organise barrier-free!

Barrier-??free at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is committed to being barrier-??free: over the course of the next few years, people with disabilities or special needs – whether students, teachers, researchers, staff or visitors – should benefit from greatly improved access to ETH buildings and services.

The proposed measures will be implemented in 14 subprojects under three categories: “Construction, building usage and architecture”, “Organisation and culture” and “Technology, communication and teaching”.

For more information on the programme and the 14 subprojects, visit the programme website.

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