Strategy Commission

The ETH Zurich Strategy Commission advises the Executive Board on strategic issues.  

In particular, it supports the President in the preparation of the Download Strategy and Development Plan of ETH Zurich. (PDF, 2.3 MB)

Composition, election and term of office

The Strategy Commission consists of eleven to thirteen members, who are elected by the Executive Board. It consists of eight to ten representatives of the professors and one representative of each of the three non-professorial university groups (students, scientific staff, technical-administrative staff). The term of office of the members is four years, whereby a single re-election is possible. The President is a permanent member of the Strategy Commission.

Members of the Strategy Commission


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kutay
Full Professor at the Department of Biology
Head of Strategy Commission

Institut für Biochemie
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich

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