Releases 2019

Corrections, improvements and enhancements are done in regular releases. This page gives an overview of the bugs, general fixes or improvements that have been made in the system.

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.10 (Released: 14.11)


  • [WCMS-715] - Search on ETH websites
  • [WCMS-733] - Add regex filter to omit search for bots


  • [WCMS-736] - Cleanup code for ETH-Rat feed


  • [WCMS-171] - OnTime of news article does not flush referenced carousel from varnish
  • [WCMS-638] - News: Cleanup steps in cache
  • [WCMS-682] - NPE in News
  • [WCMS-740] - StudentPage: filter navigation by group

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.9 (Released: 18.10)


  • [WCMS-86] - Reduce code in design package
  • [WCMS-539] - Videos - more flexible use
  • [WCMS-602] - Departement-Filter einbauen
  • [WCMS-695] - ScriptNodeProxy: allow subpaths and other files(images and pdf)


  • [WCMS-626] - LESS to SASS
  • [WCMS-697] - Trick open wayback to NOT see XML namesspace a link
  • [WCMS-706] - Contact boxes: Formatting of heading - Accessibility issue
  • [WCMS-716] - Servlet for Hyphenator-exceptions
  • [WCMS-720] - move mathjax to js-folder
  • [WCMS-721] - Use recallFunction for ScriptNode, JsonDisplay, RSSFeed, Courses


  • [WCMS-111] - German hyphenation
  • [WCMS-648] - Kontextspalte: wird nicht angezeigt
  • [WCMS-650] - Akademischer Kalender: fehlende Umbrüche
  • [WCMS-669] - Personenliste: Namen überschneidet Raum (mobile)
  • [WCMS-688] - Fix Touch-UI: incrementing container min-height infinitely after resize
  • [WCMS-700] - ID#18178380: CSS publication lists need link externalization
  • [WCMS-713] - missing styling


  • [WCMS-704] - Create Hyphenator exception list in DAM
  • [WCMS-714] - CSS: Create separate clientlib for ISN

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.8 (Released: 10.10)


  • [WCMS-641] - Ics Download: add newlines between Person-listings, add language and remarks
  • [WCMS-657] - News: Replace PageModificationListener by Repo Listener
  • [WCMS-701] - Umbenennung Organisator -> Organisation


  • [WCMS-343] - Deactivation of a news article may destroy feed (ID#18044200 — Fwd: Fehler auf "Services & Ressourcen-Seite" and ETH main page News und Veranstaltungen.
  • [WCMS-622] - Twitter Card: Default image (ETH Logo) is not displayed
  • [WCMS-651] - Teaser Box: fehlende Abst?nde auf Homepage ohne Bild/Karussell
  • [WCMS-655] - Newsfeed display of tags with a "/" (forward slash)
  • [WCMS-667] - Videos fehlen in VK
  • [WCMS-687] - Unpublished news-articles still appears in carousel
  • [WCMS-694] - VK: Detailseiten werden nicht angezeigt (Access denied)
  • [WCMS-702] - GeolocationUpgrader: should remove existing 'geolocation_disabled' before moving
  • [WCMS-710] - SCE: missing translation
  • [WCMS-711] - News: Exception while moderating

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.7 (Released: 27.09)


  • [WCMS-237] - Allow preemtive authentication in JSON component
  • [WCMS-311] - Impersonate on Homepage for admins
  • [WCMS-699] - Disable Geolocation


  • [WCMS-671] - Update BootstrapUpgrader
  • [WCMS-676] - NewsComment: change translation of success message
  • [WCMS-681] - Remove all Webtrends (Infinity does not require)
  • [WCMS-685] - CommentServlet add Cache-Control 1min
  • [WCMS-686] - CUG Upgrader, create our interpretation from AEM's


  • [WCMS-258] - Block OK button in gallery if image not saved
  • [WCMS-614] - Initial overlay for YouTube videos doesn't follow YouTube branding icon with play visual
  • [WCMS-646] - Veranstaltungskalender: Referent/-in ohne Umbruch
  • [WCMS-672] - Job portal component issues
  • [WCMS-673] - Fix Personlist: create default list
  • [WCMS-680] - Event calendar component naming in backend
  • [WCMS-683] - ETHZ Detailseite für Personenliste: Zuordnung Profile nicht wirksam
  • [WCMS-684] - Error on creating annotation on Jobportal (ID#18170318)
  • [WCMS-696] - Person detail page: externalize image URL correctly
  • [WCMS-698] - ID#18172520 Sympa registration not working

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.6.5 (Released: 12.09)


  • [WCMS-562] - Daylight: Detail page caching
  • [WCMS-675] - ID#18172209 daylight Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center: AEM stellt Anlasstexte in Kursdetails nicht dar

Release for AEM system update to 6.3 - WCMS (Released: weekend of 31.08)

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.6 (Released: 2.09)


  • [WCMS-95] - Module dependencies
  • [WCMS-244] - Access rights: create list/overview over existing access rights
  • [WCMS-310] - GroupValidationServlet should work without LDAPS
  • [WCMS-454] - News article link options should be made availabe for the ETH-APP
  • [WCMS-621] - Job portal - Change from Refline to softfactors


  • [WCMS-533] - Add DataSource to ConfigurableScriptComponent
  • [WCMS-553] - Turn Hyphenator off via Cookie
  • [WCMS-557] - remove JSONItemWriter from
  • [WCMS-558] - remove JSONItemWriter from
  • [WCMS-566] - Webtrends out of support and slowing down system
  • [WCMS-575] - Schnittstelle ETH-Rat Newsportal
  • [WCMS-582] - Disable filter via Event-tag of types which are not in filterbox
  • [WCMS-596] - Erg?nzung der AEM-Kurskomponente um Filter "Kurskategorie" (OTRS 18097051)
  • [WCMS-608] - Show Candidates in overview
  • [WCMS-660] - Replace JWPlayer with VideoJS for mhvideo component
  • [WCMS-666] - Templates for Chief Editors


  • [WCMS-80] - Personlist sequence display
  • [WCMS-104] - Best bet picks of news channels for newfeed component
  • [WCMS-393] - Kalender-Widget (flatpickr): Wahl Vormonat blockiert
  • [WCMS-404] - Image mapping no longer works properly
  • [WCMS-407] - Subscript symbol evokes blank space in news article lead
  • [WCMS-495] - Scripting fabrics in wrong side kick
  • [WCMS-513] - Ambigous component resolver path in news 6.3
  • [WCMS-535] - Hyphenation of titles
  • [WCMS-586] - Image mapping
  • [WCMS-594] - Form: issue with dynamic functionality
  • [WCMS-598] - Video: matterhorn Videos werden nicht angezeigt
  • [WCMS-601] - VK: Schliessen der Suche springt zurück auf erste Seite
  • [WCMS-642] - Falsches Datumsformat für Veranstaltungsdaten in en
  • [WCMS-643] - Carousel: news sources can't be configured
  • [WCMS-661] - OAI-PMH: Flavor captions/episode must not be mandatory

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.5, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (Released: 23.5, 6.6, 20.6, 27.6)


  • [WCMS-84] - Enable Studiengangportal to filter client-side
  • [WCMS-141], [WCMS-142], [WCMS-144], [WCMS-243], [WCMS-591], [WCMS-548], ?
    [WCMS-597], [WCMS-509] - Uploads in forms (allow multiple uploads), Uploads in forms (remove option), date field with date picker, Person who fills in a form should have choice to get copy of form content, Remove "multi value" and "Only show value" properties from textfield in forms, Description of TextArea field is displayed with bold font, Form Upload: send error message if empty file, Form Upload: adjusted error message for iOS, Forms: Confirmation emails should not contain attachments (see manual for details on forms changes and functionality)
  • [WCMS-250] - Video (YouTube, Vimeo) cookies prevention
  • [WCMS-520] - Back-Button führt nicht zur vorherigen Seite



  • [WCMS-468] - Image validation fails on pages that have no template
  • [WCMS-488] - Errors in display of horizontal link lists
  • [WCMS-525] - Darstellung "Schliessen"-Link
  • [WCMS-556] - Event Calendar display of "lead"
  • [WCMS-569] - Event Calendar: read more/pagination on mobile missing
  • [WCMS-578] - ID#18117712 — AEM error: typeError
  • [WCMS-581] - Form reset in case of validation error
  • [WCMS-587] - Missing file uploads
  • [WCMS-603] - Formular: Owner-E-Mail enth?lt DL-Links auf
  • [WCMS-607] - Updated for old file uploads
  • [WCMS-609] - Cannot create form with action "Email"


  • [WCMS-538] - Beschreibung erscheint zwischen den Uploads
  • [WCMS-540] - RemoveUpload: Drei Orte für diese Funktion gefunnden
  • [WCMS-541] - Scriptlets in Upload.html
  • [WCMS-542] - Confirmation - Option für den Enduser
  • [WCMS-543] - Download als CSV
  • [WCMS-544] - Validierung für From-Adresse in Form-Konfig-Dialog
  • [WCMS-545] - Progess-Indicator nach Abschicken von Formular
  • [WCMS-546] - BCC-Feld entfernen, Upgrader schreiben
  • [WCMS-554] - Make CSV download containing the uploads with proper file name
  • [WCMS-563] - Reset button needs to remove uploads and confirmation mail
  • [WCMS-564] - Upgrader to replace action type "Store"
  • [WCMS-565] - Layout of additional uploads on mobile
  • [WCMS-613] - Form Upload: Problem with Edge
  • [WCMS-618] - Twitter Card: Default setting
  • [WCMS-619] - Twitter Card: Description should be carousel teaser text

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.4.1 (Released: )


  • [WCMS-573] - Modify Scope "Content" of Upgrader
  • [WCMS-584] - CSS Pulication Details: proper labels for downloads
  • [WCMS-585] - Date filter: use instead of

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.4 (Released: 07.03.2019)


  • [WCMS-518 ] - Migrate to ldap/Shibboleth hybrid login



  • [WCMS-155 ] - Exchange calendar synchronisation fills log
  • [WCMS-299 ] - Academic calendar: rename leads to inconsistant repo
  • [WCMS-501 ] - Update ETH web style
  • [WCMS-528 ] - Lead text components cut off last characters of entry
  • [WCMS-551 ] - People: Login service broken

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.3 (Released 7.2.2019)


  • [WCMS-518 ] - Migrate to ldap/Shibboleth hybrid login


  • [WCMS-529 ] - ISN Publications: Assigning multiple DAM assets to publication not working

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.2p (Released: 25.01.2019)


  • [WCMS-349 ] - Newsfeed: Abstand zwischen "Weiterlesen"-Button und n?chster Komponente zu klein
  • [WCMS-503 ] - Positioning of "Contact" link in top right corner

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.2 (Released: 24.01.2019)


  • [WCMS-241] - Adopt Twitter Card
  • [WCMS-507] - Course catalogue issues (integration and QS)


  • [WCMS-510] - daylight: Anzeige des Feldes "Kreditpunkte" in Durchführungen
  • [WCMS-511] - daylight: ?nderung Label EN für Feld "Standort" in Kursdetails
  • [WCMS-523] - Remove all nethz terminology
  • [WCMS-524 ] - Remove clientlib ScriptingHelper.js in ethz-cq-components


  • [WCMS-342 ] - Green box does not maintain Superscript and Subscript editor functionality
  • [WCMS-380 ] - Table and bullet lists works for CV, but should for research area and info too
  • [WCMS-384 ] - Addition of HTML should be disallowed in some fields of page properties and component dialogues
  • [WCMS-502 ] - Discourage search
  • [WCMS-349 ] - Newsfeed: Abstand zwischen "Weiterlesen"-Button und n?chster Komponente zu klein
  • [WCMS-503 ] - Positioning of "Contact" link in top right corner

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2019.1 (Released: 10.01.2019)


  • [WCMS-90 ] - Update personensucheWs to 2017.1
  • [WCMS-150 ] - RSS for news failing due to too many items
  • [WCMS-239 ] - Display of person data on detail pages improved (lists, tables, etc)
  • [WCMS-248 ] - Language of organization name (correct language displayed if available in database)
  • [WCMS-251 ] - ORCID link on CV pages and person search page
  • [WCMS-327 ] - Display of chosen filter in the news search
  • [WCMS-331 ] - Course catalogue - display choices (fixed, current, newest) - See AEM Manual Course Catalogue page for more information
  • [WCMS-435 ] - CR: ORCID link on Person detail pages and Person search pages
  • [WCMS-515 ] - OTRS ID#18089917 - Veranstaltungen in Ticker mehrfach angezeigt
  • [WCMS-519 ] - Moderation erzwingen
  • [WCMS-521 ] - Accessibility improvements


  • [WCMS-200 ] - Remove unsused VVZ course information component
  • [WCMS-391 ] - Person list details page: title tag
  • [WCMS-396 ] - Use addredtyp as profile id
  • [WCMS-487 ] - CSS create entry: add labels


  • [WCMS-164 ] - Contact box - 'ETH Zurich' and V-card link remains displayed
  • [WCMS-269 ] - Komponente Newsfeed: fehlender Abstand oberhalb Button "365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 einblenden"
  • [WCMS-338 ] - Contact box: profiles in dropdown do not match data display
  • [WCMS-348 ] - Bug: OTRS ID#1530299 — veraltete Bezeichnung einer Einheit im
  • [WCMS-377 ] - Personendetails ohne E-Mail-Adresse (ID#1702841)
  • [WCMS-397 ] - Subscript format evokes blank space in news article headline
  • [WCMS-406 ] - Incorrect display of web page on person page
  • [WCMS-408 ] - Fix bug in CreatePersonPageServlet introduced in WCMS-396
  • [WCMS-522 ] - People Upgrader encountered Exception
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