
Ask questions about your exchange options and anything that helps you make your decision. At the Infomarkt, you will also meet people who can help you decide.

Before the event, you should think about your goals and possibilities and get a first overview, because there will be no presentations or the like at the event itself. Below you will find helpful videos and links for your preparation.

There will be a booth for each programme and most departments (see department list below). The Student Exchange Office, former ETH exchange students, current exchange students from partner universities and external page IAESTE and the US embassy will be there to answer your questions.

H?nggerberg (HPH)

  • D-ARCH Architecture
  • D-?BAUG Civil Engineering
  • D-?BAUG Environmental Engineering
  • D-?BAUG Geomatic Engineering
  • D-?BIOL Biology
  • D-?CHAB Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • D-?CHAB Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • D-?HEST Health Sciences and Technology
  • D-?MATL Department of Materials
  • D-?PHYS Physics

Zentrum (HG)

  • D-?EAPS Earth Sciences
  • D-?HEST Food Science and Nutrition
  • D-?INFK Computer Science
  • D-?ITET Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • D-?MATH Mathematics
  • D-?MATH Computational Science
  • D-?MAVT Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • D-?MTEC Management, Technology and Economics
  • D-?USYS Agricultural Sciences
  • D-?USYS Environmental Sciences

Contact person

Monique Heuberger: , Tel 044 632 70 68

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