Call for Seed Money Grants with ASEAN Member States

Call for Seed Money Grants with ASEAN Member States. Scientists from all Swiss Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Research Institutes are eligible. Maximum grant sum is 10,000 CHF. Deadline for submission is 19 August 2018.  

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Call for Seed Money Grants with ASEAN Member States

Deadline: 19 August 2018
Grant sum: max. 10 kCHF
Project duration: up to 12 months
Eligible countries: ASEAN member states (except Singapore)1: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam  

1Singapore is not part of the current call, as scientific cooperation between Singapore and Switzerland is already well established.  

Goals and objectives
The goal of the current seed money call is to establish and strengthen scientific collaboration between Swiss researchers and colleagues in one of the partner countries. Seed money grants can be used to initiate new projects and/or establish new partnerships with scientific institutions in the partner countries.

The seed money grants shall serve the following purposes:

  • to initiate new projects between Swiss scientists or institutions and those of the partner countries
  • to establish new research partnerships of mutual interest and benefit
  • to connect existing but separately funded research projects in Switzerland and the partner countries.
  • to develop a joint project proposal to be submitted to large funding agencies (National funding agencies or EU funding schemes) 

The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research.

All senior scientists with a permanent position at a federal and cantonal university, university of applied sciences and university of teachers’ education, as well as public research institutes are eligible to apply. Applications by doctoral students must be submitted by their supervisors. The Swiss scientist is the main applicant.

Download Call document to download (pdf) (PDF, 80 KB)

Download Application form to download (word) (DOCX, 57 KB)

Send your application as one single pdf document to

Note: No further seed money call with ASEAN member states is foreseen for the current phase of the Bilateral Science and Technology Cooperation Programme with Asia 2017-2020.


Patricia Heuberger

Stab Pr?sident
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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