Robot Control System Internship with Lab42


Robot Control System Internship with externe Seite Lab42

Swarms of agents exhibit emergent abilities that individual agents do not have, e.g. ants build bridges and entire colonies. The goal of the project is to develop robots that form a swarm demonstrating intelligent behavior. This in a virtual world which is currently being developed, and later with robots based on a flexible system programmable in Python, such as the Arduino Uno, and modular, building block-based hardware.

Qualifications required: MSc or PhD (ETH students only); background in robotics, AI, computer science, informatics or biology.

Start date: Any time in winter semester 2024/25 mutually agreed upon.

Duration: 6 weeks. It is expected that you spend the first 2 weeks in Davos.

Financials: Train travel to/from and accommodation in Davos are covered. A CHF 800 stipend will be provided.

More information and application: Dr. Rolf Pfister, .

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