Evaluation criteria

The following evaluation criteria apply to blended learning project proposals:

  • ETH members who have at least a 50% post and a teaching assignment may apply.
  • Existing ETH staff who work full-?time (e.g. doctoral students) may not be employed using Innovedum funds. Part-?time positions may, however, be topped up using these funds provided that it can be plausibly demonstrated that the tasks connected with the Innovedum project do not compete with normal research tasks. For doctoral students it is possible to use Innovedum funds to finance increases in workload due to additional (Innovedum) project responsibilities.
    Guidelines for ETH salaries:

- Assistant: CHF 90,000.- (100% employment level)

- Scientific staff: CHF 100'000.- bis 120'000.- (100% employment level)

- Employer contributions are included in these amounts.

  • The following applies to consumables: Travel expenses, apéros, catering and large investments in IT infrastructure, equipment etc. are not financed via Innovedum. The departments have their own budgets for these purposes.
    Any outsourcing (e.g. software development) requires at least one competing tender. The reasons for outsourcing must be supplied.
  • Quotes are available for the production (including post-production) of the content and trailer videos, as well as for other educational media formats.
  • At least one consultation meeting was held with the LET to determine the didactic added value for ETH students, as well as the use of various educational media.
  • The project duration is a maximum of 3 years.
  • The implementation of the course is ensured for at least two runs.

Criteria regarding content and teaching materials

  1. Course materials and activities are offered in a way that optimally combines the online and face-to-face phases.
  2. The course enables participants to build knowledge and skills through a stimulating learning environment. Appropriate Educational Media are used to engage students in learning.
  3. The learning materials are offered accessible.
  4. The learning materials are subject to external page Creative Commons licensing and can be reused.
  5. Consideration of the strategic change project "Examinations and Academic Calendar at ETH" (PAKETH): the consistent integration of course units and performance assessments and the corresponding handling of student workload, learning objectives (competencies) and activities.

Pedagogical criteria, interaction with students

  1. Learning objectives and learning content are clearly defined for each week of the course
  2. The didactic concept (involving reflection, feedback, exercises/teaching formats, tests, self-assessment, questions linked to videos, forums and moderation) is well-developed and promising.
  3. The course encourages its participants to share their knowledge with others.
  4. The course represents a distinct advantage for ETH students. Examples:
    • Course materials are used to prepare for classroom sessions and practicals.
    • Course materials are used to consolidate course knowledge.
    • The course is a relevant part of an ETH internal course.
    • There is a meaningful exchange between ETH students and external learners or experts.

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