The appointment process

The President of ETH Zurich is responsible for the appointment procedure and is involved personally regarding all decisions; the Office for Faculty Affairs thereby supports him in all strategic and organisational matters.

Appointment procedure

The appointment procedure is divided into the following phases:

The professorship is being advertised in the relevant international publications. It is also made known by using the existent national and international network of the respective department and its members.

The selection committee is constituted by the President, who also elects the chair of the committee; this person is the so-called Delegate for Faculty Appointment Procedures (DPB) who always has to come from a different department. It is mandatory that the Head of the respective department is a member of the selection committee as well. In addition to further representatives of ETH Zurich, members of ETH Lausanne and the University of Zurich are being invited to become members of the selection committee, provided that the respective branch of study is represented in their schools. Furthermore, one representative of the scientific staff, two student’s representatives, as well as representatives of foreign scientific institutions and from the industry have to join the committee. A representative of the ETH Zurich internal professorate is designated as contact person for candidates. In every selection committee one voting member takes over the role of a gender and diversity advocate. Every selection committee has to include, as a general rule, at least three female professorial members.


During a conversation concerning the implementation, the President gives instructions to the DPB, the Head of the respective department, as well as to the contact person about the background and significance of the advertised professorship and highlights possible particularities. Additionally, he asks the selection committee not to stop the selective search for candidates during the ongoing appointment procedure.

The selection committee reviews the received applications under the lead of the DPB and selects the candidates to be invited (usually between four and six people; if possible, at least two female candidates). In cooperation with the department and the committee, they also identify and contact other additional individuals who could be taken into consideration. After the candidates have presented themselves in usually public lectures and subsequent closed interviews with the selection committee, the committee compiles a list for the President with their ranking of the preferred candidates. This list should include, whenever possible, at least one female candidate. It is not common at ETH Zurich to ask for letters of recommendation for appointments of full professors. If needed, however, the selection committee can ask for recommendatory letters.

The DPB presents the selection committee’s recommendation to the President. The Rector, the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Knowlegde Transfer and Corporate Relations may comment on the committee’s proposal prior to the President’s decision. The President himself decides whether he wants to accept the committee’s recommendation or wishes to gather further information on the candidate. He may also want to meet the persons shortlisted prior to entering into negotiations.

On behalf of the President - the Office for Faculty Affairs together with the respective department, analyses the space and equipment needs of the top candidate. The President negotiates the terms for the final offer (including personal benefits).

After the candidate has accepted the final offer, the application for appointment is handed in to the ETH Board.

Direct appointment

In exceptional cases, e.g. for the recruitment of outstanding scientists, the legal principles enable the possibility of a direct appointment. In such a case, it is possible to depart from the standard appointment procedure by foregoing a public advertisement and the involvement of a selection committee. Instead, the department submits a proposal for direct appointment to the President. In the proposal, the department must explain its reasons for this extraordinary measure and add at least five letters of recommendation. What is more, the vast majority of the Professor’s Conference of the department must support the proposal.


ETH Zurich
Office for Faculty Affairs / Stab Professuren
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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