Fewer clicks to get to the full text: LibKey Nomad

The LibKey Nomad browser extension gives you direct access to the PDF of journal articles.

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“ETH Get it”, the link resolver of the ETH Library, takes you from Google Scholar, Wikipedia or any other database, such as Scopus or Web of Science, to the electronic full text in just two or three clicks. Use LibKey Nomad to gain access to the PDF of journal articles with one click only.

How does LibKey Nomad work?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension provided by the company Third Iron. It is available for Chrome, Edge and Firefox. First, install the external page browser extension and then select “ETH-Bibliothek” under “Select Organization” during the set-up.

When running a search, such as on databases like Web of Science, Scopus or also Wikipedia, you will now see additional buttons: the green flame indicates with “Download PDF” that an article is available open access or has been licensed by ETH Zurich. You can open the PDF in a new browser tab with one single click on the LibKey button. If LibKey does not find a full-text option, best use “ETH Get it”. At this point, the link resolver will take you to ETH Library @ swisscovery, where you can see further options or order the article as an interlibrary loan or request that a copy is sent to you.

LibKey Nomad and “ETH Get it” complement each other

LibKey Nomad does not cover all publishers. It only works with journal articles and not with book chapters. Even if LibKey does not show you any access options, make sure to click the “ETH Get It” button anyways. You will see that the ETH Library has a lot more full texts than those marked by LibKey Nomad.

Use LibKey outside the ETH Zurich network

LibKey Nomad can also be used outside the ETH Zurich network. But to access licensed full texts, you must be within the ETH Zurich network or work from the ETH Library premises.

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