Open Access: free publishing now possible in even more journals

From 2024, the ETH Library will cover the costs of publications in more journals, including Nature Communications and Scientific Reports.

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Thanks to successful negotiations between the ETH Library and various publishers, researchers at ETH Zurich will be able to publish their work open access in various other journals starting from the beginning of 2024. 

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

 A new agreement with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) opens up new opportunities for free open access publishing for authors at ETH Zurich. All external page 33 ASME hybrid journals and the Gold Open Access journal "ASME Open Journal of Engineering" are affected.

"Nature Communications" and "Scientific Reports"

The ETH Library's agreement with the publisher Springer Naturehas been extended: The library now also covers the costs of publications in the journals "Nature Communications" and "Scientific Reports". Authors from ETH Zurich can now also apply directly for the assumption of costs for these journals. The procedure is described here.

Optica Publishing Group

The costs for publishing articles in some external page journals of the Optica Publishing Group are now also covered by the ETH Library. If the journals fulfil the Gold Open Access criteria, the Article Processing Charges (APC) can now also be applied for directly.

Suspension of the cost limit for individual articles

Previously, there was a cost limit for the funding of individual articles. This limit can now be lifted thanks to successful negotiations by the ETH Library. This applies to all articles accepted for publication from 2024 onwards.

This means that the ETH Library will now support all articles in Gold Open Access journals, provided that the authors do not have access to third-party funding (e.g. from the Swiss National Science Foundation or the European Union). In return, applications for funding may no longer be submitted to the ETH Library for publications with external funding, in accordance with the APC guidelines (German only) applicable from 1 January 2024.

An overview of all publishing agreements from which ETH Zurich authors benefit, as well as the current funding criteria, can be found on the APC funding page

Event information

Online Coffee Lecture on the new funding opportunities
Wednesday, 14 February 2024 from 15.15 – 15.30.
Further information on the event
Access link: external page

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