Dialogue about animal experiments on the Hönggerberg campus

The ETH animal welfare and 3R specialists organised a booth on the H?nggerberg campus to provide information about animal experiments at ETH Zurich. As part of the dialogue, ETH members are invited to a guided tour of an ETH laboratory animal facility for the first time.

365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 Hönggerberg stand promotion
The ETH animal welfare and 3R specialists organised a booth on the H?nggerberg campus to provide information about animal experiments at ETH Zurich. (Photograph: ETH Zurich)

ETH Zurich regularly achieves remarkable results in biosciences and life sciences research. Many of these results require research with animals. In animal husbandry and experimental realisation, ETH Zurich pays attention to high-quality infrastructure for the animals, well-trained scientific staff and the promotion of the 3Rs principles (replace, reduce, refine). With this message, Samia Bachmann, Jasmin Frey and Stefanie Hiltbrunner from the Animal Welfare and 3Rs Office sought dialogue with ETH members last Monday. They were supported by Maike Heimann from the cooperation between ETH Zurich and the UZH Institute of Laboratory Animal Science (LTK) for education and training in the field of laboratory animal science and by Zorica Ristic from the ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC), the research and service platform for experimental animal research at ETH Zurich.

Much encouragement and ethically very reflective reactions

With a tent booth in the entrance area of the HCI building and the "Fusion Coffee" restaurant, the five specialists provided information on how ETH researchers implement animal experiments and what they are used for - for example, for cancer research or the further development of imaging techniques. "We received a lot of encouragement and supportive feedback," says the head of the office, Samia Bachmann, "of course there were also critical voices, and many ETH members have a very ethically reflective attitude towards animal experiments."

The stand campaign is part of the strategy of the ETH Executive Board and the Vice President for Research, Christian Wolfrum, which emphasises transparency and open communication. Other key aspects of this strategy are the development of new 3R approaches and the training of researchers who use animal experiments. The new 3R Hub was founded in February 2024 to develop new 3R methods (see Internal News, 4 April 2024). The aim of 3R methods is to replace animal experiments in whole or in part, to carry out experiments with fewer animals and to minimise the burden on the animals in an experiment and in husbandry.

ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are working together on education and training as part of a cooperation programme. The course programme is developed jointly by ETH and university specialists and includes both the legally required training, without which researchers are not allowed to conduct animal experiments, as well as additional continuing education and training, explains Maike Heimann, who represents ETH in the joint cooperation with the LTK and is a member of the Safety Security Health and Environment SSHE department.

ETH animal husbandry opens up for guided tours

In order to continue the transparency-building dialogue, ETH employees and students can take part in a guided tour of an ETH Zurich laboratory animal facility. Those responsible for animal husbandry, researchers and/or the Animal Welfare Officers will give them an insight into their work. The guided tours will take place on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 from 1.30 pm to around 4.30 pm at the ETH Phenomics Center EPIC on the H?nggerberg 365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】. Anyone interested in a guided tour can register online. The guided tours are organised by the Animal Welfare and 3R Group together with the EPIC. They will take place in the context of National Laboratory Animal Day on 15 June 2024.

However, visitors must observe the following points for animal welfare and hygiene reasons:

  • You do not keep rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs, gerbils, degus or similar) or lagomorphs (rabbits, hares) as pets.
  • You may not have any contact with the above-mentioned animals for 72 hours before the guided tours.
  • Unfortunately, accessible access is not possible (walking aids, wheelchairs, etc. are not permitted in the animal facility).
  • They have to change down to their underwear several times (in gender-separated rooms) and spend short periods of time in confined spaces.
  • The number of participants per tour is limited.
  • If you are allergic to animals, please refrain from participating.

In terms of organisation, participants and interested parties should note the following:

  • Once you have registered, the organisers will send you a confirmation of registration and further information, including the meeting point.
  • Those who do not receive a confirmation of enrolment will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted if a place becomes available.
  • The cost is 15 francs per person.
  • The tour is conducted in German.

ETH members can register for the guided tour of the rodent husbandry under the following link: external page Registration - Public Tours - Guided tour rodent husbandry | ETH Zurich - Guided tour of an ETH Zurich animal husbandry facility (eventsair.com)

The training and further education programmes for ETH researchers working in the field of experimental animal research can be found on the website of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science by clicking at the external page teaching and training web page.

The services and infrastructure offered by the ETH Phenomics Center EPIC can be found at its website.

Information on external page National Laboratory Animal Day on 15 June 2024 can be found on the website of SAVIR - Swiss Association of Veterinarians in Industry and Research. 

Note on the translation

This text has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation tool. Although reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, it may not be perfect. If in doubt, please refer to the German version.

Should you come upon significant translation mistakes, please send a short message to so that we can correct them. Thank you very much.

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