IT Apprentices and trainees

Informatikdienste bilden aus

IT Services train with a focus on system technology, application development and media technology.

Download Flyer ETH IT Road Show (PDF, 311 KB) (in German)

We wish our new and existing Download ITS apprentices and trainees (PDF, 129 KB) a good teaching year 2024/2025.

Federal VET Diploma in Platform Development

IT-?Specialist in the field of platform development plan, implement and administer IT computer networks, monitor IT components and back up data.

Federal VET Diploma in Application Development

IT-?Specialist in the field of application development plan, implement (program) and test software, seek solutions for and with customers, train customers and document their applications.

Federal VET Diploma in Mediamatics

Mediamatics technician design and produce video, internet posts and broschures using all available media type.

Vocational education and training at ETH

A service of the whole IT Services in collaboration with ETH Zürich. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology offers apprentices and training places in 15 vocational areas.

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