Releases 2021

Corrections, improvements and enhancements are done in regular releases. This page gives an overview of improvements and general fixes that have been made in the system.

Unfortunately, unexpected issues may appear as a result of a release. For a list of known issues, see the Known Issues page, and if your issue is there, a ticket need not be sent.

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.13 (23.11.)


  • WCMS-961 - News Alert E-Mail Redesign
  • WCMS-1177 - Require channelTitle when creating new news channel
  • WCMS-1321 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Paragraph Reference
  • WCMS-1323 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Raw HTML Component
  • WCMS-1353 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Matterhorn Video
  • WCMS-1366 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Map Component
  • WCMS-1434 - Sync of website colour and colour picker in carousel tab
  • WCMS-1450 - Accessibility News: Tag-Auflistungen müssen semantisch korrekt ausgezeichnet sein (Befund #20)
  • WCMS-1453 - Accessibility News: Kommentare müssen mit der Tastatur bedienbar sein (Befund #51)
  • WCMS-1454 - Accessibility News: Tastatur-Fokus beim Aktivieren von "weitere Meldungen einblenden" sinnvoll führen (Befund #53)
  • WCMS-1455 - Accessibility News: "365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 einblenden" / Standardkonforme Formular-Elemente verwenden (Befund #72)


  • WCMS-1392 - Child-/SiblingNav: ethSitemap may not be defined
  • WCMS-1396 - [ID#18427958]: SCE: table-col too narrow, underline too close to second row
  • WCMS-1397 - Carousel Label Color seems not migrated
  • WCMS-1411 - Lead: Maximum number of characters
  • WCMS-1413 - Link checker for linked images should ignore .html
  • WCMS-1416 - News comments: Link not recognizable as such
  • WCMS-1420 - Daylight: number of places column needs to be wider to accommodate column data
  • WCMS-1421 - OTRS #18435084 - Layout of personlists with images
  • WCMS-1424 - Startup servlet needs to handle installation trigger of no installation
  • WCMS-1432 - Link styling in text/image components
  • WCMS-1433 - Contact box heading does not have same alignment as text heading in two column use
  • WCMS-1444 - Inxmail: preselect first option in dropdown
  • WCMS-1446 - Events Calendar: Tags for "event series" not working
  • WCMS-1457 - Inxmail charset parameter misspelled
  • WCMS-1463 - MMS Webshop: Datepicker on checkout
  • WCMS-1464 - Image Map not externalizing properly (OTRS ID#18461727)

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.11.patch/12 (29.09.)


  • WCMS-1327 - TouchUI prep: Image Editor - Crop configuration and validation
  • WCMS-1361 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Room Information
  • WCMS-1364 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Job Portal
  • WCMS-1367 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Newsletter Subscription Component
  • WCMS-1370 - TouchUI prep: Re-Activate /apps/ethz/base/touch-ui/
  • WCMS-1384 - Adopt new responsive design for CSS resources (former ISN)


  • WCMS-1349 - Wrong language in dialogue of newsfeed component (metadata field in Metadata tab)
  • WCMS-1372 - Title should not show for breadcrumb navigation on webpages
  • WCMS-1374 - MMS Shop: Display error
  • WCMS-1381 - Linkstyling on live copy pages (AEM backend)
  • WCMS-1386 - 404-Seite ans neue Layout anpassen
  • WCMS-1387 - Daylight details page has multiple font sizes and the general font size is too small
  • WCMS-1388 - The registration button on the daylight detail page does not follow CD and displays as default browser display
  • WCMS-1390 - Link styling in news comments
  • WCMS-1394 - Spacing between "Show more button" on News channel template and Highlight container too small
  • WCMS-1398 - MMS-Shop: button style for "shopping cart"-button
  • WCMS-1399 - MMS Shop: Link styling missing
  • WCMS-1400 - Event calendar detail page display issues
  • WCMS-1401 - Chevron icon is sometimes missing for newsfeed items
  • WCMS-1402 - Styling of "Weitere Adressen" on Search Result Person page
  • WCMS-1403 - Padding issue for highlight containers
  • WCMS-1404 - Not enough space between subnavigation title and elements
  • WCMS-1405 - Daylight: Darstellung von Links in Kursdetails nach AEM Release vom 30.8.2021
  • WCMS-1408 - Filter im Veranstaltungskalender funktionieren nicht
  • WCMS-1409 - Veranstaltungskalender: Fehlendes von-Datum für zu Crash der VK-Komponente
  • WCMS-1410 - Navigation image upload interferes with images on page
  • WCMS-1423 - ID#18430231 — Fehler in der Kommentar Funktion

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.10 (29./30.08.)

Design Refresh Navigation Release

  • For detailed information please see project website
  • Questions? Please join our Q&A session on Tuesday, 14 September, via Zoom, from 13:00 - 14:30.


  • WCMS-1131 - Access rights (Step 2): Preparation for Chief Editors tab: Add a link to display access rights
  • WCMS-1151 - Sitemap.xml finalisieren
  • WCMS-1218 - Clean up patch.css
  • WCMS-1282 - Link checker built in for internal links for images and navigation pages
  • WCMS-1291 - Remove sibling navigation from news articles
  • WCMS-1301 - IE 11: No longer supported - change text of status bar
  • WCMS-1317 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Fullwidth Images, Gallery, Carousel
  • WCMS-1318 - Pages continuously grow - endless loop iFrame/CSS rules
  • WCMS-1320 - TouchUI prep: Carousel cannot be configured on a homepage
  • WCMS-1322 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Vimeo/Podcast/YouTube Components
  • WCMS-1324 - TouchUI prep: Migrate Events Calendar
  • WCMS-1326 - TouchUI prep: Implement general configuration for Image components
  • WCMS-1327 - TouchUI prep: Image Editor - Crop configuration and validation
  • WCMS-1328 - TouchUI prep: Colour Picker
  • WCMS-1346 - Anpassungen Polycourse HS2021
  • WCMS-1347 - Create roominformation redirect servlet
  • WCMS-1373 - Remove old VK code, remove code for VK switch, update Storybook VK


  • WCMS-1192 - OTRS ID#18372664 — Live-Kopie mit falschen Links zu Unterseiten
  • WCMS-1246 - No comments delivered on appjson anymore - ETH App
  • WCMS-1263 - Fix of some NPE and IAE
  • WCMS-1300 - Vimeo-Video: Preview image not displayed anymore
  • WCMS-1307 - YouTube Video: Playlists don't work anymore
  • WCMS-1309 - NPE in NewsFeedComponents
  • WCMS-1332 - Caption for Podcast component should follow the same styling as video and image caption styling
  • WCMS-1343 - Duplicate main nav item (overview/übersicht) should not be in hamburger menu on mobile
  • WCMS-1345 - Component stats not working for news components

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.9 (28.06.)


  • [WDES-1032] - Person list sequence: More padding above H2 title
  • [WCMS-1151] - Sitemap.xml finalisieren
  • [WCMS-1167] - Homepage: Usability of organisational description box (see online manual for details )
  • [WCMS-1172] - Provide high resolution for YouTube preview
  • [WCMS-1190] - Backend adaptation for a better display of inherited context areas
  • [WCMS-1215] - Sitemap.xml-Funktion von components nach base verschieben
  • [WCMS-1216] - Automatically delete old content in prerendered
  • [WCMS-1283] - VK: Anpassung der Labelanzeige bei "modifiziert"


  • [WDES-1021] - Carousel title should display two lines
  • [WCMS-1082] - VVZ components should display correct contents after a semester change (part 1 - filter by lecturer and course unit)
  • [WCMS-1221] - NPEs in Video Portal
  • [WCMS-1222] - Several NPE in components
  • [WCMS-1253] - VK: ?bersichtsanzeige Ausstellungen - gleiche Zeiten zusammenfassen, Formatierungen anpassen
  • [WCMS-1278] - VK: Bei Online-Veranstaltungen soll leerer "Ort" nicht angezeigt werden
  • [WCMS-1284] - SP9: Nicht alle Komponenten werden direkt nach dem Einfügen angezeigt
  • [WCMS-1304] - VK: use date filters in the past is not showing any entries

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.8 (02.06.)


  • [WCMS-1168] - Text/Image component: Improvement of dialogue text
  • [WCMS-1181] - Adding script into form fields should be escaped for security reasons
  • [WCMS-1193] - Add logger to Video components
  • [WCMS-1203] - Limit on image size in image components
  • [WCMS-1212] - Daylight: Anlasskategorie "Entwicklung & Zusammenarbeit" ausblenden
  • [WCMS-1262] - Podcast-Komponente
  • [WCMS-1266] - Contact box design breaks at smaller breakpoints in right column
  • [WCMS-1267] - Add category reporterset to MMS Webshop
  • [WCMS-827] - Integrate plain JavaScript multiselect.
  • [WCMS-1264] - VK: Anpassung der angezeigten Feed-Generator-URL in der VK-Komponente
  • [WDES-970] - Navigation flyout: Two separate links, decrease clickable area


  • [WCMS-1174] - OTRS (ID#18374079 — AEM Bug Report - Jede Formatierung innerhalb einer Lightbox Bildlegende hat zus?tzliches Padding)
  • [WCMS-1187] - Ungültige HTML-Struktur auf Homepage, wenn Image verlinkt UND Lightbox
  • [WCMS-1202] - Slideshow aspect ratio is not respected by component
  • [WCMS-1206] - Problematische Filenamen für Upload in Formular verhindern
  • [WCMS-1214] - Homepage produziert unn?tige Logfehler
  • [WCMS-1217] - Publications component: Anchor navigation doesn't appear on mobile phones
  • [WCMS-1222] - Several NPE in components
  • [WCMS-1256] - Lightbox icon is missing from the gallery component
  • [WCMS-1265] - Screenreader mode solution in skiplinks doesn't work any longer
  • [WDES-1032] - More padding above H2 title in person list sequence

Release Notes - WCMS - Version 2021.7 (06.05.)


  • [WCMS-1224] - Event calendar component: preparation for the switch to the new Public Calendar Manager (PCM) Backend-Application (week 19)


  • [WCMS-1057] - Admin tool to analyse creation of 'ghost' pages in navigation

Release Notes - Version 2021.6 (21.04.)

Design Refresh Navigation Release

  • Questions? Please join our Q&A session on Thursday, 22 April, via Zoom, between 10:00 and 11:30.

Task / Story

  • [WCMS-1145] - Preparation for Podcast embed component
  • [WCMS-1149] - RSS-Component - RSS-Komponente soll Contents anzeigen, falls kein Summary
  • [WCMS-1156] - Daylight&VK: activate detail page automatically
  • [WCMS-1019] - Link checker does not show broken links in paragraph references
  • [WCMS-1034] - JCR Teilelemente im Content sollen aus Suche ausgeschlossen werden
  • [WCMS-1091] - For Admins: Analyze query sent to google


  • [WCMS-1098] - Breadcrumb exceeds width of content area
  • [WCMS-1155] - Personenlisten: Erste Tabellenzeile ist zu hoch, Name und Tabelleninhalte sind nicht aligniert
  • [WCMS-1161] - Gallery component stalls when e-pics API is not responding

Release Notes - Version 2021.5 (22.03.)

Task / Story


  • [WCMS-994] - Images in appjson need Hash
  • [WCMS-1095] - Fix PersIdHelperTest.testGetPersIdWithParam
  • [WCMS-1114] - News: ignore batch offset for archiv pages (ID#18341517)
  • [WCMS-1115] - ID#18340564 — Abst?nde im AEM-Design
  • [WCMS-1125] - Personlist with images: Display of A-Z list and anchornavigation list should look the same
  • [WCMS-1132] - Title and lightbox features do not work if an image is in a tab/accordion

Release Notes - Version 2021.4 (03.03.)

Task / Story

  • [WCMS-254] - New room information component for admins (technical)
  • [WCMS-311] - Impersonate on Homepage (for admins)
  • [WCMS-826] - SOAP client for personensucheWS-2021.1 (technical)
  • [WCMS-972] - Access rights (Step 2): ?bersicht über bestehende Berechtigungen (Excel) bereinigen (technical)
  • [WCMS-1021] - Correction and improvement of publications dates for Publications component
  • [WCMS-1023] - Publications component - New language filter
  • [WCMS-1055] - Integration of 'author-name' solution (in E-adressen) to Person search result page (technical preparation)
  • [WCMS-1070] - Occasional bugginess of Document filter when clicking it again produces error
  • [WCMS-1094] - Status bar in page editor window should show correct (timed) activation/deactivation status
  • [WCMS-1126] - Finalize, cleanup Floorplan (technical)
  • [WCMS-1133] - Access rights (Step 2): Modify the definition of content specific roles (technical)
  • [WCMS-1141] - Suggestion Servlet shall read monthly suggestion stats files directly
  • [WCMS-1143] - Acad. Calendar: Change language separator for multiline fields
  • [WCMS-1044] - PoC for sitemap.xml and sitemap index (technical)


  • [WCMS-385] - Link lists show pages that have delayed activation status or online time
  • [WCMS-1048] - ID#18312296: VCard, remove hardcoded 'ETH Zürich'
  • [WCMS-1054] - Login with spaces before or after usernames should be prevented from creating new usernames in AEM
  • [WCMS-1069] - Disconnect between the search bar and filters
  • [WCMS-1078] - Optimize the 'did you mean' message for the search in case search term could not be found
  • [WCMS-1102] - Video component disappears if not configured properly
  • [WCMS-1103] - Linklist component disappears if resource not found
  • [WCMS-1116] - RoomInfo: JS error when component not used (technical)
  • [WCMS-1127] - Anchor navigation configuration for publications has multiple same year lists instead of all publications listed in one year list
  • [WCMS-1129] - Statistics filter counts too many requests
  • [WCMS-1146] - Make CV download language sensitive
  • [WCMS-1153] - Fehler in Personenlisten / Sequenz

Release Notes - Version 2021.3/3.1 (released 03. + 05.02.)

Task / Story

  • [WCMS-146] - Use svg floor plans for links in contact info of people search results and person lists and add location icon


  • [WCMS-1112] - RoomInfo: not working on IE
  • [WCMS-1119] - Polycourse: change title from 'Information' to 'Kontakt'
  • [WCMS-1120] - Check/fix authentication request for Video portal
  • [WCMS-1122] - Bugfixes Floorplan

Release Notes - Version 2021.2 (released 27.01.)

Task / Story

  • [WCMS-304] - Persondetailpage: separate technical from business error
  • [WCMS-568] - Remove persid from vcard
  • [WCMS-998] - Live copies: remove duplicate options in dropdown, change default settings
  • [WCMS-1067] - Search page: remove non-functional button from left language filter box
  • [WCMS-1100] - 365体育官网_365体育备用【手机在线】 text for Vimeo and Youtube Videos to be shortened


  • [WCMS-921] - Issues with in-page (page properties) timed deactivation
  • [WCMS-1046] - Search: 'Did you mean' inconsistency
  • [WCMS-1062] - Tab/Accordion: Title sizes not consistent
  • [WCMS-1066] - Documents are not able to be accessed when using Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Opera
  • [WCMS-1079] - Header of search page in mobile is different from main header
  • [WCMS-1081] - Hint to IE 11 users that browser is deprecated
  • [WCMS-1088] - Padding is missing under images for news on search page (apparent if teaser text is short)
  • [WCMS-1090] - VVZ components breaks pages, depending on configuration
  • [WCMS-1099] - VVZ components should include the start and end dates of the current semester in its duration
  • [WCMS-1104] - Main Navigation: remove double underline display in IE
  • [WCMS-1105] - Text/Image component ul/ol: second last item has no margin (ID#18343270)
  • [WCMS-1110] - VVZ: Not all lecturers are shown in a VVZ component in case of a learning unit which contains more than one learning event with various lecturers
  • [WCMS-1112] - RoomInfo not working on IE
  • [WCMS-1113] - RSS: icon mispositioned [ID#18345450]

Release Notes - Version 2021.1 (released 22./23.01.)

AEM System Update to Version 6.5.7

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