
In order to prevent and combat corruption and ensure compliance with the code of conduct laid down in Article 3(f) of the Financial Regulations (RSETHZ 245en; www.rechtssammlung.ethz.ch) with respect to responsibility and integrity in the handling of all funds and assets entrusted to ETH Zurich, professors and employees of ETH Zurich who, in the course of carrying out their official duties, become aware of any felonies or misdemeanours at ETH Zurich that are prosecutable ex officio (e.g. criminal mismanagement, fraud, abuse of public office) are required to report the incident to their immediate line manager or the next level manager. Managers must inform the Vice President for Finance & Controlling immediately that a report has been submitted.

Other irregularities that are not classed as criminal offences (e.g. non-compliance with procurement rules, breaches of the Regulations Concerning Business Expenses, RSETHZ 245.3en; www.rechtssammlung.ethz.ch) must be reported to a line manager, the Vice President for Finance & Controlling or the Ombudsperson.

If ETH bodies have clearly failed to take action without good reason, ETH Zurich employees may either refer the matter to the Ombuds Office of the ETH Board (external page https://www.ethrat.ch/en/eth-board/ombuds-office) or directly to the law enforcement authorities or Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) (external page www.whistleblowing.admin.ch).

Detailed rules and procedures are set out in the following guidelines: RSETHZ 130.1

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