Supervision of students from other universities

If you supervise Bachelor's or Master's students from other universities for a research project or a thesis: In most cases, registration can take place via the Student Exchange Office.

Application deadlines for students

  • In general: at least two months before the planned start
  • Visa: Students who require a visa should submit their application earlier because the visa application process may take up to three months and cannot be started without the official confirmation of the Student Exchange Office.
  • Exchange: The application deadlines of the home university and ETH Zurich for the respective exchange programme are also decisive.


Late applications

We cannot guarantee that the visa will be issued from the respective Embassy / Consulate in time if an application is delayed or that the student will be matriculated and provided with the respective documents in time.

We reserve the right not to process very late applications.

  • Matriculated Bachelor's / Master's degree student at a university or technical university (no university of applied sciences)
  • The project / thesis at ETH serves the student’s studies.
  • The project / thesis does not correspond to any employment (neither paid nor unpaid). For any questions, please contact Human Resources. (An employment as a teaching assistant must be outside the project and as such may be possible, note the regulations for international students).
  • Stay of at least 91 and max. 365 days (exception: minimum duration of two months possible in a few exchange programmes)
  • Exchange: nomination for the exchange by the home university

Further conditions must be fulfilled depending on the programme.

A) Project mobility students

Bachelor's and Master's degree students from other universities can conduct a research project or thesis at ETH Zurich as so-?called project mobility students.

B) Exchange students

In some cases, project students are nominated for an exchange by their home university, i.e. they are given a place within an exchange contract. The conditions of the respective exchange programme apply.

Services for students

Students receive all the information and confirmations they need for the entry formalities from the Student Exchange Office.

Under no circumstances should students submit a visa application themselves before contacting the Student Exchange Office. An incorrectly submitted visa application can lead to considerable delays.

Students staying in Switzerland for more than 90 days require a residence permit. Students receive the appropriate information directly from the Student Exchange Office.

Remember to contact the Student Exchange Office early enough.

All information provided by the Student Exchange Office refers to stays at ETH Zurich and in the cantons of Zurich or Basel-Stadt. The student status entitles the student to stay and carry out the project or the student research project at a location of ETH Zurich.

If the project is conducted outside of ETH Zurich, e.g. at a research institute of the ETH domain, it is the sole responsibility of the supervising ETH professorship in cooperation with the Human Resources department of the research institute to make all necessary inquiries regarding the admission status and any labour market regulations and to obtain the necessary permits. Formal supervision of the student research project or thesis must be carried out by an ETH professorship.  

Mobility students are matriculated at ETH and receive an ETH student card, ETH login, etc.

Students can find all the information on the registration process and their stay at ETH on our website, during the application process and upon registration at the desk of the Student Exchange Office after they have arrived in Zurich. Additionally to the above mentioned topics (visa, accommodation, insurance), students will receive information on the registration procedure at the residents’ registration office ("Personalmeldeamt"), the residence permit, IT Services, as well as general information about ETH and Switzerland.  

Further information


According to the public authorities, internships may require an internship contract, a salary and a work permit. These are not organised through the Student Exchange Office, but rather through Human Resources and possibly external page IAESTE.


In some cases, registration as a visitor may be appropriate or mandatory. Please consult the Human Resources website and address any further enquiries directly to them.

External doctoral students / PhD

Doctoral students must be registered with Human Resources as academic guests. Exception: Swiss government excellence scholarship holders.

Contact persons

Student Exchange Office

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