
Unser Veranstaltungskalender gibt einen ?berblick über s?mtliche Anl?sse rund um das Thema Berufseinstieg und Karriere. Events, die von uns, unseren Partnerfirmen und weiteren Firmen organisiert werden, seht ihr aktuell auf unserem externe Seite Veranstaltungskalender (siehe auch entsprechenden Link zuoberst in der rechten Spalte auf jeder unserer Seiten) und k?nnt euch dort anmelden.

Das Career Center bietet Trainings zu folgenden Themen an, meist w?hrend unserer Career Weeks im M?rz und Oktober oder im Vorfeld der ETH-Jobmessen:

Key topics include:

  • Usual misconceptions around the job search
  • The difference between proactive and reactive job search strategies
  • When and how to use different job search tools
  • How to best prepare for and manage your job search
  • What realistic results to expect

Key topics include:

  • The particularities of the Swiss labor market
  • Different industries and functions
  • Types of career tracks
  • Company characteristics and how company cultures can vary
  • Additional resources to understanding the Swiss job market

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to the work permit policy for non-?EU/EFTA nationals in Switzerland
  • What is the “facilitated process”?
  • What support they I find and where?

Key topics include:

  • Know how your expectations towards a career fair can be different to those of visiting firms
  • Six steps to prepare your job fair visit:
  1. Plan your route
  2. Do your research
  3. Prepare your materials
  4. Perfect your pitch
  5. Prepare your questions
  6. Follow-?up
  • Managing first impressions
  • Certain Do’s and Don’ts

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to the informational interviewing technique
  • How and why an informational interviewing can be impactful
  • The difference between informational interviews and normal interviews
  • How to identify persons to interview
  • Preparing for the interview
  • Follow-?up

Key topics include:

  • Why do we feel so uncomfortable with networking?
  • Why is networking important?
  • Are extraverts better networkers than introverts are?
  • Networking for people who hate networking – a new definition of networking
  • (optional) Informational Interviewing

Learn why it is important to define and establish your personal brand in the context of your career.

Key topics include:

  • Different personal branding models
  • How to convert your brand into tangible career marketing tools, in particular your LinkedIn profile.
  • Why and how social media are relevant for their job search
  • How to efficiently structure a LinkedIn profile, incl. Do’s and Don’t’s
  • How to use LinkedIn as a job market, career exploration tool
  • How to use LinkedIn to find jobs
  • How to use LinkedIn to network

Key topics include:

  • How to structure a typical CV
  • Required sections for the Swiss job market
  • Certain Do’s and Don’ts to CV writing

Key topics include:

  • Why and how social media are relevant for their job search
  • How to efficiently structure a LinkedIn profile, incl. Do’s and Don’t’s
  • How to use LinkedIn as a job market, career exploration tool
  • How to use LinkedIn to find jobs
  • How to use LinkedIn to network

Key topics include:

  • How to behave in a first interview and what should you expect
  • Why the interviewer asks certain questions and what interviewers are really looking for.
  • Impactful answering strategies (e.g. STAR method)
  • Possible “tricky” situations
  • Certain Do’s and Don’ts of being interviewed

Key topics include:

  • What is an Assessment Center?
  • How/why they are developed and conducted?
  • How to best prepare for an Assessment Center?
  • What does a typical graduate Assessment Center look like – what can I expect?
  • What do assessors look for?
  • Some strategies to apply during the different Assessment Center exercises

Key topics include:

  • Why is important to know your own salary expectations before going to an interview?
  • The difference between salary and total compensation
  • Salary as a decision criteria for accepting a job
  • How/when to approach the salary topic during an interview
  • How companies define salary bands
  • Where to get benchmarking information on current salaries
  • Negotiating salaries as a graduate – what options do I have?

Key topics include:

  • Typical career misconceptions
  • Beliefs underlying typical career misconceptions
  • How these beliefs could be holding you back from being successful in your job search
  • Rewiring your brain with positive beliefs

Key topics include:

  • The difference in cultures and career paths in academia and industry
  • Personal career motivations, values and interests
  • Key stumbling blocks within your decision process
  • Key questions to ask yourself before engaging onto one or the other career paths
  • Key information to seek

Key topics include:

  • Main differences between working in academica and working in industry
  1. Know what they will sign up for when entering an industry career
  2. Know about the success factors in such a career
  3. Know how to successfully start an industry career
  • 5 critical skills for getting hired and promoted in industry

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to the Thomas-?Kilmann conflict management styles model
  • Discover your own preferred style
  • The pros and cons of each style and in which situations each style can be helpful
  • Developing your flexibility to use each style
  • Interacting with other styles

Key topics include:

  • Introduction to the MBTI personality model
  • Discover your own preferred style
  • The pros and cons of each style and in which situations each style can be helpful.
  • Developing your style
  • Interacting with other styles


Die Trainings finden mehrheitlich auf Englisch statt, je nach Veranstaltung aber auch auf Deutsch (Ausschreibung beachten!).

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