
Please note: Since the design refresh of May 2024, your ETHIS display differs in color from the screenshots shown on these pages. However, the help content is still valid.

Reports HR

  • The protected page Personnel Costs report gives you an overview of the monthly costs for wages and social contributions. (Only available in German)
  • The Employees list combines the previous lists "Entries", "Departures" and "Birthdays" and offers eployee selection and financing details. (Only available in German)
  • In the Personnel Master Data Sheet you will find the most important data of your employees at a glance. (Only available in German)
  • The Employment Data Overview show the course of employment for the selected period. (Only available in German)


The Line Item report is a list of individual postings for actual costs/revenues and provides access to the corresponding posting documents. (Only available in German)

The Cost Centre report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a cost centre. (Only available in German)

The Project report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a project.

The RC report gives you an overview of the financial situation of a responsibility centre.


The Personnel Cost Extrapolation report will no longer exist in the new ETHIS. The need for a planning projection is to be reconsidered and a corresponding solution worked out.

The reports are still available in ETHIS for those employees who already had a corresponding authorisation in 2018.

In the new system, the "balance" (= incoming payment minus outgoing payment) will no longer be shown, but the comparison "budget vs. actual". The Cost Centre report shows "basic budget vs. accrued actual costs", the project report shows "project budget vs. accrued actual costs or actual revenues" on PSP elements.

  1. In the Line Item report, you can review all postings on a project for the period of your choice. However, the line item report does not show an "account balance".
  2. The Project report, which is going online by the end of March, shows you the budget (agreed cost amount) vs. costs incurred to date, i.e. your financial situation in the project and what you can still spend according to the agreement with the donor. This is better for the monitoring of projects than an "account balance", as it has been shown on the fund statement so far, because it places incoming payments against outgoing payments and, depending on the payment balance, says nothing about how much "air" you still have.
  3. In the Receivables Management report, you can see incoming and outstanding payments for projects.

The new system will therefore offer you better overviews than the previous fund statement.

Functions that are still missing (such as exit to salary debit display, evaluation of several cost centres, etc.), which are not available in the standard system, are reprogrammed. You will be informed about the planned and implemented changes under ETHIS News.

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