archive situation analysis project

Key information on the situation analysis project is archived on this page. The project began at the end of 2018 and was completed in mid-2020.

ETH Zurich is a public university. While most of us take using the ETH Zurich buildings and making the most of the available infrastructure for granted, people with physical limitations such as impaired mobility, vision or hearing are confronted with various obstacles which are often difficult or even impossible to negotiate. The project Barrier-?Free at ETH Zurich, which was launched in late 2018, should improve the current situation.

Download Project organization ?Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich? (PDF, 33 KB)

The most important points at a glance

  • The project should pave the way for people with physical limitations or special needs to improve access to ETH Zurich’s services.
  • The current situation is being assessed in various sub-?projects, which will serve as a basis for compiling an action plan with recommendations for improvements.
  • Based on the action plan, the improvements will then be set in motion.
  • One central issue for ETH Zurich is to involve affected members of ETH Zurich, external specialist departments and stakeholders in order to find the most practical and adequate solutions possible.
  • The project was commissioned by Professor Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure (VPIN).

Head: Urs Nussbaum, Mobility Platform / Services department

This sub-?project focuses on measures that benefit people in wheelchairs or people with impaired mobility (e.g. building entrances, infrastructure or access to lecture theatres).

Head: Ines Raabe, SSHE administrative department

This sub-?project is primarily aimed at improvements for people with visual or hearing impairments. The initial focus is on building infrastructure (e.g. control elements and audio output in lifts or audio equipment in lecture theatres); other relevant topics such as the website or libraries will follow at a later date.

Head: Romila Storjohann, Domain VPIN

This sub-?project keeps ETH members and the general public informed about the current situation, the goals and the results of the project. The current state of the project will be reported on an ongoing basis via various channels (e.g. the project website, internal news, life magazine).

Head: Horst Weltner, Domain VPIN

This sub-?project deals with the institutional management of the topic of barrier-?free accessibility at ETH. It will record the processes currently available, and clarify whether other approaches or a central point of contact should be established.

Co-?Head: Romila Storjohann, Domain VPIN; Rainer Brandst?tter, Real Estate Management department

This sub-?project concerns the creation of the action plan and organising its implementation. The action plan will be created following the stocktaking of the current situation. The measures will be implemented by the relevant departments and permanently integrated into ongoing processes.

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