Events and News

Events organized by ETH Diversity

Hochschul-Pride Zürich im Oktober 2024

Logo von Hochschul-Pride Zürich, schwarz-weiss mit Farben der Progress-Pride-Fahne

Once again this year, the Hochschul-Pride Zürich (HOPZ) association is organising panel discussions, workshops and meeting rooms at various Zurich universities (external page full programme).

30.10.2024 - Day of Caring for Dependants at ETH Zurich

On the occasion of the Swiss-wide Day of Caring for Dependants, various events focusing on the topic of mental health will be offered for the first time this year at ETH Zurich.

05.11.2024 - Mit Familie an der ETH Zürich (DE)

Human Resources, SGU, die Stiftung kihz (Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Zürich) sowie ETH Diversity geben bei dieser Info-Veranstaltung einen ?berblick über alle Angebote der ETH Zürich zum Thema Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf/Studium. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung

12.11.2024 - Anti-Bias Lunchbreak (EN)

Unconscious bias affects everyone. It is important to become aware of own biases. This short training, organised by the ENHANCE Alliance and conducted by ETH Diversity, will give you the tools that you need. external page Information and Registration

14.11.2024 - Inklusive Sprache - wieso, weshalb, warum und vor allem wie (DE)

Dieser praxisorientierte Workshop wendet sich an Mitarbeitende des admi.-techn. Personals der UZH und der ETH, in deren Arbeitsalltag Kommunikation einen hohen Stellenwert einnimmt. Neben der generellen Wissensvermittlung zu inklusiven Sprache wird die praktische Anwendung geübt. Der Kurs ist bereits ausgebucht. Anmeldung für die Warteliste via external page UZH Webseite

21.11.2024 - With Family at ETH Zürich (EN)

At this informational event Human Resources, SSHE, the kihz Foundation (Childcare in the University Area of Zurich) and ETH Diversity will provide an overview of all the services ETH Zurich is offering their members for a better reconciliation of family and career/studies. More information and registration

28.11.2024 - Wie k?nnen wir ein LGBTQIA+-inklusives Arbeits- und Studienumfeld gestalten? (DE)

Der Workshop l?dt dazu ein, wichtige Begrifflichkeiten kennenzulernen, Fragen rund um den Themenkomplex Geschlecht, Geschlechtsidentit?t und sexuelle Orientierung zu diskutieren und erste Umsetzungsm?glichkeiten zur Gestaltung eines LGBTQIA+-inklusiveren Arbeits- und Studienumfeldes zu entwickeln. Anmeldung via external page UZH Webseite

Staying up to date?!

More current events and news on diversity topics can be found on our external external page LinkedIn channel.

Events offered by other ETH units

Communication Academy

Keyvisual Communication Academy

Write comprehensibly about research, present results compellingly and present a confident image to the media: Corporate Communications share knowledge about science communication through a series of courses and webinars.

Continuing education

Woman writing on a sheet

With its portfolio of courses and continuing education, ETH Zurich offers a broad range of opportunities to promote the leadership, technical, methodological and social skills of the employees and students.

Career Events und Networking

People on stairs

Every semester the Career Center as well as some students organisations offer multiple possibilities to get to know numerous companies on campus or virtually, to get a better idea of career entry opportunities and to extend the own network.  

Health and work

Doctor with a patient

The health of its employees is an important concern for ETH Zurich. Twice a year, the VPPL department offers lunchtime events on various topics (e.g. burnout prophylaxis).

Guides for "Sustainable and Inclusive Events"

ETH members organise more than 3000 events every year. The new guides for "Sustainable and Inclusive Events" support organisers of ETH events in making a contribution to the climate goals of ETH Zurich and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They include measures on environmental aspects, diversity and accessibility.


We are very happy to receive feedback on our events or you can share your ideas with us!
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