Doctoral Students and Postdocs

Career Programmes for Female Scientists:         

Career Center: Career-Events

The external page ETH Career Center's event calendar offers an overview of all events taking place at ETH on the topics of career start and career. Furthermore, information on different events organized by associated companies is published here.

Fix the leaky pipeline!

The career-building programme of the ETH domain is called "external page Fix the leaky pipeline!". It allows female doctoral students and postdocs to exchange their views about scientific careers and improve their networking in coaching groups. Accompanying courses on topics like leadership, interviewing, self-marketing, career planning, networking etc. are also offered. In 2018 two different formats of mentoring were implemented: one-to-one and peer mentoring. Since 2007 more than 1200 doctoral students and young scientists participated in the coaching groups and the courses.

Career building programme CONNECT – Connecting women’s career in academia and industry

external page CONNECT encourages women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to plan and develop their career. It aims to inspire all involved people to bridge the gap between academia, industry and public sector. It is targeted at female PhD students and postdocs in the ETH Domain and University of Zurich.
Watch testimonials of role models in industry external page here.

Appointment Procedures for Professorships – The Way Things Work!

Enlarged view: Verteilung der Geschlechter in den Stufen des Berufungsverfahrens

Are you interested in an academic career but are unsure of how an appointment procedure for a professorship is performed and what the expectations towards the candidates are? The staff of professorships at ETH Zurich and Equal! invites twice a year, in spring and in autumn, to a lunch meeting to the subject of “Appointment procedures for professorships – the way things work!”

Employees of the Office for Faculty Affairs at ETH Zurich will introduce you to the workings of appointment procedures in general and at ETH Zurich and will share strategies for mastering the competitive nature of applying for professorships. Furthermore every year another professor is invited to talk about her experience of becoming a professor at ETH. All female postdocs at ETH Zurich are very welcome to attend and will be informed by email.

International Dual Career Network

ETH Zurich is a member of the external page International Dual Career Network (IDCN). The IDCN is a network of multinationals, educational institutions and NGOs and its purpose is to enable the job market integration of partners of international employees. Learn more about the IDCN in this short external page film.

As a partner of an ETH Zurich employee you are welcome to participate in the events and activities organised by the IDCN.  

You may sign up directly on the external page IDCN Website.

feminno - Career Program for Life Sciences

external page feminno offers career development in Life Sciences for women scientists: Experienced career advisers, coaches, innovation experts, and executives from successful life-science enterprises share their work experience and visions with the participants of the program. The program is coordinated by the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, University of Basel).

NCCR Exchange Programmes for PhDs and Postdocs

NCCR Robotics offers external page financial assistance to PhD students and Postdocs from both inside and outside our organisation to take part in a 3-6 month collaborative project in a field related to the NCCR. Up to three scholarships of a maximum of 9,000 CHF will be awarded to cover living and travel costs.

The programme, "Mentoring Deutschschweiz" has published two guidelines on academic careers:

Download Erfolgreich Promovieren (PDF, 959 KB) - Guideline for doctoral students (German only)

Download Promotion und dann (PDF, 928 KB) - Guideline for advanced doctoral students and post-doctoral resarchers (German only)


The Human Resources Department of ETH Zurich offers Die Human Resources Abteilung der ETH Zürich bietet Consulting and Coaching for all employees of ETH Zurich. In cooperation with employees, individual solutions for each problem are developed.

The Career Center is engaged with helping companies to be present at ETH Zurich and contact appropriate suitable young talents.   

If you have questions regarding reconciliation of work and family at ETH Zurich, more information and offers can be found here here

Under networks, databases and advices centers, career portals, job markets and further useful platforms can be found.

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